Another example of how you could be watching a politician like Boris or Biden being a fake on TV. This time in the form of a physical implementation rather than a digital manipulation:
Would you know if it was them?
Breaking News: Information Or Disinformation? - The Art Of War - Information Warfare At It's Finest:
When Trump got into office and hit the ground running and set up the EOs pertaining to human trafficking do you think he and the Military waited until now to take the main Cabal players out?
Why do you think Q has a 6th sense for telling the future events? Leaked info is part of the plan. The timeline for the awakening.
Everything on the list declared executed, arrested or on house arrest has already happened.
Why do you think Castle Rock needed to be done? Because this is the plan to awaken everyone, to avoid civil if not global war, and ease people into the reality of where our country and world was going.
This was all done clandestine ops.
In 2017 Trump had every major head of countries acknowledging him as the leader.
This is all a movie. They already wrote the script that is why Q is Q. To allow us all to do our own research, come to our own conclusions and hopefully be awake when all is revealed.
Have Faith! Remember that this is Great Awakening! Trust
Martin Borin skriver:
Vi kan bara fortsätta informera, och lyssna in vad som händer.
Än så länge så är det fullt krig så vi kan inte lita på någon information rakt av.Men man får använda kunskaperna vi har.
Tittar man oå MSM då får man definitivt reda på hur det inte är, då har man rensat 50% av spekulationerna.
Sen får man gå till trovärdiga källor man litar på, då är osäkerheten 25%.
Sen får man göra en egen bedömning av rimlighet, sanomikhet, jämföra med andra kunskaper och fakta. Se vart pengarna går osv.Känna in paniknivån hos eliten.Då kanske man är nere oå 90% säkerhet och 10% osäkert. Närmare än så kommer vi nog inte i krig. Om vi inte sitter i toppen av detta.Även om vi är rätt säkra på vissa saker så är det ett dynamiskt krig så det som gäller just i detta ögonblick kan snabbt ändras med nya drag från fienden.T. ex. nya event och dals flag, psyops kommer säkerligen att ändra riktning på detta några gånger till.Till ex. kan djupa staten hota med att spränga en bomb mitt i en stad om de bli trängda, vilket de kanske också gör, och sådana saker samt triggande av krig och ekonomisk kollaps, strömavbrott och annat kan göra att spelet vänder några gånger innan allt är definitivt över.Efter varje sådan händelse måste allt omvärderas igen och igen osv. Så kan det hålla på ett tag.Då länge djupa statens spelare kan röra sig och har sina fulmetoder kvar samt MSM har möjlighet att sorida propaganda så kommer spelet att spelas, ett drag i taget.Det är därför många säger, men du sa ju att det skulle hända och nu är det över, nu hamnar dom i fängelse osv. men det sker ju inte.Vi kan säga så här, jo det sker men inte med buller och brak, de bakbinds med ett rep i taget.Det är som att baka en kaka,och man säger att denna gång ska kakan bli perfekt, men helt plötsligt så har djupa staten bytt ut någon ingrediens så kakan smakar fan även denna gång, eller så bröt de strömmen så kakan inte blev färdig.Men för varje gång så säkrar vi upp ingredienserna och vi tänker på nya grepp för att hindra djupa staten att sabotera, till sist har vi alla ingredienser och en som vaktar varje ingrediens och mängden av varje ingrediens och provsmakare som smakar varje del av ingredienserna och ett elverk med extra bränsle kanske två och en extra ugn och en extra bunke, extra mått och så vidare och vi har allt i en bunker som är skyddad från alla angrepp utifrån för att vår kaka ska bli färdig och smaka gott. Samt att vi gar skydd för alla som ska få smaka kakan när den är klar.När vi har kommit så långt då är vi nästan framme.En sak är säker, för varje dag så säkrar vi nya ingredienser i kakan.Se denna korta video nedan och dra era egna slutsatser.
David Rodriguez says February Will Be Intense (QNews):
The article, written by leftist Molly Ball, explains how a secret cabal composed of rich connected elites joined forces to destroy President Trump.
It's done. Deep State collapses. The Best is coming NOW.
The official announcement of martial law and a legitimate military government, in effect since 12:00 AM on January 20, 2021, was made on Friday, January 29 at 6:00 PM EST (11:00 PM GMT).
The official announcement of Biden's arrest along with 355 congressmen and 109 senators (464 elected) on January 24 and 25 was made on Sunday, January 31 at 4:35 PM EST (10:35 PM GMT - 11:35 PM Amsterdam / Brussels / Paris).
These announcements were made on the dates and hours above to all American media (televisions, radios and national newspapers) and to all world news outlets.
As expected by the legitimate military government that runs America, as well as Trump and Qforce, this official information was 100% censored by all official world media.
The US military government knew this and wanted it that way.
As with Biden and his party's coup d'état, the legitimate US government is allowing the US media to commit widespread treason by having them censor the legitimate government's official statements about measures of national security and immediate danger to the American nation.
The Illuminati media of the 4th Reich have all fallen into a trap.
Now the legitimate military government can take over (provisional) control of all such terrorist media whenever it wants, as dictated by law and the US Constitution.The US military government will take control (by force) of all official media (radios, televisions, newspapers) across the United States this Friday, February 5 at 6:00 pm EST (11:00 pm GMT or midnight in Amsterdam / Brussels / Paris).
This includes the acquisition of all US channels on the broadcast satellites that broadcast live in Europe.
This also means that all Europeans with a satellite reception antenna who receive US channels can no longer be censored and will therefore find out the truth from Friday evening February 5, 2021.
Among other things, the US military will be obliged to broadcast on all these American mass media the revelations about Biden's coup d'état, his arrest with elected officials on Sunday, January 24 and Monday, January 25 ...
Finally, on February 12, the US military government will officially (evidence submitted to all world governments and to the press internationally) publish all evidence of the conspiracy committed by the French, Chinese and other governments to create a false global epidemic and to overthrow the US government.
It is an act of war that gives, among other things, the legitimate right of the US government to overthrow the Macron government and any other terrorist governments.
The Boeing E-4B Nightwatch took off from McDill Air Force Base and headed north, landing at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.
The Boeing E-4B Nightwatch is more of an aerial command post. Such planes are called ”doomsday planes”.
This was an update from yesterday morning...
UPDATE 2/3/2021 @ 10:30 AM
Note, the "Executive Orders" that Joe Biden has signed, do not go in to affect until 30 days after being published in the Federal Register.
Many people and companies who voted for Biden are now regretting it big time!
Please know that this is all a part of the plan.
Please do not focus on dates, and please do not have any expectations of when and how you think things should happen.
This plan has been strategically planned out for a very long time, and certain events have been set and these events will not happen a moment before the schedule according to the plan.
The great part we want to share is that the deep state, the democrats, and the corrupt politicians are actually playing right into our plan, and they don't even realize it.
So hang tight, hold the line, trust God, have faith, trust the military, and be patient, you are going to love how this movie ends, and the best is yet to come.
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Making America Great Again!
Where We Go One We Go All - WWG1WGA
Q TSRDC - 8kun - 4 10 20
SONYPodcast EP. 2396A:
> Gaddafi ran his own oil industry
> Gaddafi held over 150 tons of gold
> Gaddafi ran his own Central Bank Of Libya
10 of Gaddafi's social & economic policies to the Libyan people:
> free electricity
> free education
> free healthcare
> interest free loans
> newlyweds receive $50,000 (US) gift
> implementation of world’s largest irrigation project
> birthing a child qualifies mothers for $5,000 (US) gift
> price of gasoline in Libya was $0.14 per liter (2010) & 50% of car price paid by State
> Libya's main source of income was oil. A portion of all oil sales would be given to every citizen
> agriculture fully supported by the state & all costs of start up of any farming was provided by the state
> extended reading archive #1
> archive #2
> archive #3
> Gaddafi's gold would devastate the Dollar