Vad gör vi nu när alla blivit fullständigt galna? - Gästinlägg

Uppdatering 2021-02-03
Intervju med Michael Zazzio: Så här kommer du undan krav från arbetsgivare och staten om vaccin:

Doctors and Nurses Giving the Covid-19 Vaccine Will Be Tried as War Criminals.

In an emotional video, Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA, explains why doctors and nurses giving the covid-19 vaccine will be tried as war criminals.

CDC: Over 500 Deaths Now Following mRNA Experimental Injections – “Vaccine Hesitancy” Increasing: 


Humans, like rats, are influenced by crowds and get infected by other people's behavior. 

The video shows that the rats see a bunch of their own kind digging around in the box for some reason; they climb in, fall off, and can't get out. This is how the trap works.

”Americans are willing to kneel in slavery to the ruling class long after the "threat" of COVID-19 is gone. Many will continue to be obedient to their masters, lick the hand that feeds them, and wear the ritualistic shame muzzle for the foreseeable future.":

This injection that is not a ‘vaccine,’ but is a bioweapon, is being used to take over the minds and bodies of this population, murdering as many as is possible along the way in order to accomplish an agenda of population control. Stop it now or watch as millions die!

“The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists.”

If anyone is genuinely interested in researching who’s responsible for this mess. 

Start by looking at;

Zbigniew Brzezinski & David Rockefeller 

Then follow the dots/timelines to the present. Look at: 


You will start to understand the insidious plague that’s been created by BIG CORP & BIG PHARMA. Enjoy the red pill 💊

Moderna erkände: Vi vaccinerar inte människor, vi chippar dem:

Situation Update, Feb 1 – Populist financial uprising may tear down the entire RIGGED system:

Situation Update, Feb. 2 – The silver MIRACLE explained: It’s money, medicine and freedom all in one:

Long-term Mask Use May Contribute to Advanced Stage Lung Cancer, Study Finds:

Not even babies. The COVID Fascists treat babies like non-human objects

Catherine Austin Fitts - Full Interview - Planet Lockdown:

Catherine Austin Fitts exposes the connections between Big Tech and the federal government and how they are engineering a system of planetary control.

The “Pandemic” as Cover for a Coup D’Etat Aimed at Taking Over the Planet — Converting Democratic Process to Technocracy, Imposing Complete Economic & Political Control.

This sit down interview with Catherine covers the spectrum of the current situation we find ourselves in. 

It was conducted as apart of the full length documentary. We are releasing the full interview for the betterment of public understanding of the situation.


The story of the 4th Industrial Modified Reset Man. What's been put up your nose in nano dust "test swabs" and in your mRNA, 4th Industrial Revolution, Great Reset, how the nano dust tech works, it's all in there.


Detta är utstuderat folkmord långt värre än det Stalin och Hitler höll på med. 

Det här är folkmord av en skala i bibliska mått som när folket gick under av vatten och endast Noa och några få i Arken överlevde. 

Noa och de som byggde Arken kände nog samma hopplöshet mot den demoniska ondskan då som nu. Folk ville inte se, de ville inte höra. Och de gick under då, precis som nu. 

Många kommer att dö helt enkelt i detta globala krig som har startat. 

Kanske är det guds plan att alla demonkontrollerade ska dö i detta krig?

Och endast ett fåtal som inte blivit tagen av de demoniska krafterna ska överleva för att skapa det nya?

Bibeln berättar att regnet började på sjuttonde dagen i andra månaden. Det regnade i 40 dygn och översvämningen som helhet varade i 150 dagar, dvs fem månader. 

Den sjuttonde dagen i den sjunde månaden stannade arken på Ararat. Den första dagen i den tionde månaden blev de lägre bergskrönen runt omkring synliga. 

Efter 40 dagar (dvs den tionde dagen i den elfte månaden) började Noa släppa ut fåglar för att se om vattnet sjunkit undan tillräckligt. 

Sju veckor senare, den första dagen i den första månaden året efter flodens början, hade vattnet torkat bort från jorden. 

Den tjugosjunde dagen i andra månaden gick Noa ut ur arken igen. Han hade då befunnit sig inne i arken i ett år och tio dagar.

Om ett år med denna vaccin takt så kanske det inte är så många fler än vi kvar. 

Ska det vara så svårt att förstå för folk att allt detta med viruset är ett bedrägeri för att jävlas med folket och ta ihjäl så många som möjligt och att de frivilligt ska gå med på detta. 

Det är nästan obegripligt att inte folket ser igenom bluffen. 

Ska alla gå till skaktbänken frivilligt?

Det roliga är att Big Pharma tjänar ännu mer på dessa idiotiska tester än på själva dödsinjektionen. 

I stället för det traditionella kriget där man tjänar pengar på att finansiera båda sidor av kriget så ser man här till att kriga mot en osynlig fiende som inte existerar. 

Det skapas bara genom fusk med tester som är riggade. Här spelar man spelet, virus mot vaccin. 

Och folket finns där emellan på slagfältet och fäktar i luften åt ena hållet, kör upp tops i arslet åt andra hållet, kavlar upp armarna och tar vaccin, och sätter på sig rustning av masker och visir när fineden redan är insprutad i deras kroppar. 

Det är värre än när Don Quijote slåss mot väderkvarnar. 

Vad gör vi när folket har blivit galna?

De styrs av dårar, Deep State som sitter på ena läktaren med värsta högtalaranläggningen och hejar på när de slår ihjäl varandra och vi sitter på läktaren mitt emot och skriker oss hesa, vi har ingen PA anläggning, oss hör dom inte ser inte. 

Vi kan bara se på tills vi har en PA anläggning att överrösta djupa staten med. 

Artikeln nedan är från Naturalnews, dvs av samma skapare som skapat Brighteon, och har de. dagliga podden, Health Ranger Report, Mike Adams.

Det här är mycket skrämmande information och var och en får värdera detta utifrån alla andra fakta gällande vaccinerna. 

Det finns dock en allvarlig risk att många av anhöriga och vänner som går på detta bedrägeri kommer att kasta in handduken. 

Nedan är mina spekulationer utifrån det vi redan har sett av galenskapen och de fakta som finns. Så alla får värdera detta efter egna funderingar. 

Här kan ni se hur många som ska mördas i varje land fram till 2025

England skryter redan med att 8 miljoner har tagit gift injektionen. 

De både tjänar pengar och dödar den mängd människor de önskar.

Den perfekta mordplanen. 

Troligen är det runt 50 miljoner av 65 miljoner som ska ta sin dödliga dos i England då 78 % ska bort.

Boris mördaren Johnson lär nog lyckas lura tillräckligt många. 

I Sverige ska ca. 3 miljoner dödas. 28% ska bort. Sverige kör också massiv propaganda att alla ska ta sin dödliga dis så fort det bara går. 

Mördaren Röfven och En Annan Röv ska nog lyckas lura i 3 miljoner svenskar giftet också. De har ju redan lyckats lura ca 10%, i USA ska ca 230 miljoner mördas, i Tyskland ska 50 miljoner mördas.

Detta blir det största folkmordet i modern historia.

Och allt bara för att folk är totalt dumma i huvet och styrs av ett gäng galna psykopater så kommer de nog att lyckas ta ihjäl den beräknade folkmassan. 

De tystar sanningen och matar ut propaganda. På facebook tillåts inget negativt om det dödliga vaccinet längre. 

De kör bara tillräckligt med propaganda så kommer den erforderliga fårskocken att ta sin dödliga dos vaccin innan 2025

Deagle har ju haft samma prognos väldigt många år tillbaka då hela denna pandemibluff och det dödliga vaccinet har varit noga förberett sedan decennier tillbaka.

Sanningen är att något virus har aldrig isolerats. Hela pandemin är en bluff.

Se Kaufman och Cowan nedan. 

Detta avsnitt är mina spekulationer det kan ni hoppa över om ni inte vill läsa, men det kan vara så att man nu preppar folk med ett genetiskt experiment som kommer att döda den som tagit det så kallade vaccinet när de sprider ut ett virus som är designat för att döda dem som preppats med vaccinet.

Det genetiska experimentet fungerar ju så att man har modifierat ett mRNA som gör att cellerna bygger ett protein, så kallat spike protein som ska motsvara en viss typ av virus. 

Det kanske inte är det Sars cov 2 virus som man säger att det är, eftersom den biten i forskningen är bluff. 

Däremot så kan man ha designat detta mRNA som bygger ett spike protein som liknar ett annat virus i varenda cell i kroppen. 

Detta gör att när de sedan släpper ut det specialdesignade viruset som är identiskt med detta genetiskt manipulerade spike protein då kommer inte de vaccinerades immunförsvar att reagera förrän det är för sent. 

Och då attackerar kroppen både sig själv och viruset och du dör. Det är detta som Dolores Cahill och Mikovits vittnar om. 

Detta är troligtvis noga utstuderat och testat i djurförsök inte för att djuren ska överleva, utan för att de ska dö. 

Andrew Kaufman och Tom Cowan förklarar åter igen om virus som aldrig isolerats!

Lyssna! Dela! 

Dags för sanningen att äntligen segra.

Skapa din egen konspirationsteori. Snacka om att eliten är desperata att försöka behålla narrativet.

Det är mer än galet just nu.

A massive DEATH WAVE will be witnessed later this year among those who took coronavirus vaccines. The vax is "priming" the autoimmune system for a hyperinflammatory reaction that will kill many. These are DEATH shots, not vaccines, in reality. It's all about achieving DEPOPULATION.

Horrific latent deaths predicted among the elderly by genetics professor after immunization with RNA vaccines

Yesterday it was announced that both the Pentagon and FEMA  (and 10,000 troops) would  start handling vaccination distribution and administration in certain US states: 

If ever there was a time to STAND UP for your health rights and freedom to choose what to do with your body, medically speaking, it's now. 

Please review the many actions we have at the SHF health freedom advocacy portal: 

As the situation continues to go down hill, and we have literally the military handling the response to "COVID," the formerly clear boundaries in the US between civil and military affairs is being eroded before our eyes. Is this what we want? Act now to let your voice be heard!

EMS called immediately worked on him 30 minutes in field then 30 minutes at ER was able to put him on life support yet deemed Brain dead on 1-14-21 and pronounced dead an hour or so later.
VAERS ID: 921768-1

Vaccinated 1/4/2021. Died 1/4/2021. Pfizer vaccine. Cardiac arrest.  Vaccine received at about 0900 on 01/04/2021 at her place of work, Medical Center, where she was employed as a housekeeper. About one hour after receiving the vaccine she experienced a hot flash, nausea, and feeling like she was going to pass out after she had bent down. Later at about 1500 hours she appeared tired and lethargic, then a short time later, at about 1600 hours, upon arrival to a friends home she complained of feeling hot and having difficulty breathing. She then collapsed, then when medics arrived, she was still breathing slowly then went into cardiac arrest and was unable to be revived.
VAERS ID #  941743-1

Vaccinated 1/12/2021. Died 1/13/2021. Moderna vaccine. Found to be deceased at 3am
VAERS ID: 958322-1

Vaccinated 1/19/2021. Died. 1/19/2021. Pfizer vaccine. Shaking and then became unresponsive.
VAERS ID: 935815-1

Vaccinated 1/5/2021. Died. 1/5/2021. Pfizer vaccine. Difficulty breathing.
VAERS ID: 950073-1

Vaccinated 1/15/2021. Died 1/16/2021. Moderna Vaccine. 
On 1/15/2021 at 1800, resident noted to be lethargic and shaking, stating "I don''t care." repeatedly. C/O head and neck pain. T100.6. Given Tylenol with no relief of pain. Order received for Aleve and administered.. Assisted to bed as usual in evening. Monitored during night shift and noted to be resting comfortably/sleeping.. Noted agonal breathing at 4:10 AM 1/16/2021 , T 99.4, Absence of vital signs at 4:15AM 1/16/21 and death pronounced at 4:40AM 1/16/21.
VAERS ID # 940955-1

Vaccinated 1/11/2021. Died 1/11/2021. Pfizer vaccine. Cardiac Arrest. Patient was found pulseless and breathless 20 minutes following the vaccine administration. received the second dose of BNT162B2. took the first dose on 21Dec2020. MD found no signs of anaphylaxis. .
VAERS ID: 947974-1

Vaccinated 1/11/2021. Died 1/11/2021. Pfizer vaccine. Resident was found without a pulse and not breathing 20 minutes after vaccine administration. Upon MD review, no signs of anaphylaxis were noted.
VAERS ID: 950441-1

Vaccinated 1/15/2021. Died 1/15/2021. Pfizer vaccine.  Pt had witnessed arrest by wife. Pt wife started CPR and called EMS. CPR started at 15:12. Continued by EMS. Pt arrived to medical center asystole with CRP in progress and ventilated via igel device. He was in refractory ventricular fibrillation and continued CPR for a total of 1 hour. He was unresponsive to verbal and tactile stimulus and had fixed unreactive pupils. He was pronounced at 16:13.
To search, type in VAERS ID # for details.
Search on CDC website:
TIM ZOOK. Orange, CA. U.S.A.

Vaccinated 1/5/2021. Died 1/9/2021. Pfizer vaccine.
He got his second dose on January 5th.
2.5 hours later he was in the E.R. of the hospital where he worked.
Julie Marie Christensen
January 16, 2021
...sudden tragic loss of my mother. She lost her ability to walk, stand, move, talk, eat, drink, and breathe following the Covid-19 vaccine. Her death happened so fast.
California resident. Placer County. Died several hours after receiving the shot.

Official COVID death numbers: the fraud, the killing

by Jon Rappoport  

February 2, 2021

There are several reasons to reject and ignore ALL COVID statistics. Chief among the reasons—no one has proved that the virus, SARS-CoV-2, exists.

But for purposes of this discussion, and to show, once again, that the medical cartel is deeply mired in fraud and killing, let’s have a look at official COVID death numbers in the US.

Death numbers are a significant metric, because, obviously, all other so-called “cases” recover and live.

AARP: Oct. 30, 2020: “In a pandemic filled with grim statistics, one of the grimmest has gone largely unnoticed: 95 percent of COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. have occurred among people who were 50 or older. This even though the majority of coronavirus cases have been reported in people under age 50.”

“The unnerving numbers don’t end there. About 8 in 10 deaths have been among people 65 and older, according to the latest demographic data available from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).”

Let’s move forward in time. From, “Number of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) deaths in the U.S. as of January 23, 2021”:

“Between the beginning of February 2020 and January 23, 2021, of 359,352 deaths caused by COVID-19 in the United States, almost 115,700 had occurred among those aged 85 years and older.”

Statista goes on to report the COVID death numbers among other age groups. Age 75-84: 99,342 deaths. Age 65-74: 76,404 deaths. Age 55-64: 42,031 deaths.

Adding up all the COVID deaths in the 55-and-older age groups, we get 333,477—out of 359,352 total COVID deaths registered at the time of the Statista report.

93% of all COVID deaths in the US have occurred in people 55 years old and older.

I’ll build on that analysis: Most of these people who died had multiple long-term health conditions. They had been treated, for years, perhaps decades, with toxic medical drugs.

Buying into COVID propaganda, most of these elderly people were terrified they might receive a diagnosis of COVID-19. Then they DID receive that diagnosis.

THEN they were put into isolation, cut off from contact with family and loved ones—and they folded up and died.


Note: Some of these elderly and frail people were heavily sedated and put on breathing ventilators. In a large New York study of hospitalized COVID patients, 97.2% of all patients 65 and older who were put on ventilators died. 97.2 PERCENT.

Whether ventilated or not, in these 55-and-older patients, we are talking about FORCED PREMATURE DEATHS—through terror induced by the COVID diagnosis, plus isolation from friends and family, on top of their prior serious health conditions and long-term toxic medical treatments.


No need for a fairy tale virus to explain their deaths.

Therefore, using official death numbers, roughly 93% of all US COVID deaths are explained with no reference to a virus.

“Well, we killed as many old people as we could. That gives us the necessary COVID numbers…”

Perhaps you think the 55-64 age group is “too young.” I shouldn’t include them. All right. If we just consider 65 and older, the deaths in that group are 81% of all US COVID deaths. Still a staggering figure.

The WHO says pregnant women should not take the COVID vaccine. 

This pregnant medical doctor took the vaccine and tweeted about it (presumably for the dopamine and/or to encourage other pregnant women to do the same). 

She subsequently had a miscarriage.

There is no pandemic!!!

'We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.'

(1981) William Casey, former CIA director

**We KNOW masks don't work.**

**We KNOW the tests are flawed.**

**We KNOW the numbers are inflated.**

**We KNOW projections were wrong.**

**We KNOW the politicians are lying.**

**We KNOW the advisors have vested interests.**

**We KNOW mental health and suicides have rocketed.**

**We KNOW domestic violence has rocketed.**

**We KNOW people are losing their jobs.**

**We KNOW people are losing their homes and businesses.**

**We KNOW the vaccines are not gonna change anything.**

So tell me why are YOU still complying?

Everywhere in the world exact the same mechanism of corona-terror! How is this possible? There is only one answer: it's all planned from the same central. 

It's the BIS, the swiss based (but treated like an own private independent state - not subordinated to the laws of any state or government on earth, just subordinated to its own laws) bank of central-banks that belongs to the 8 families who also own the FED and all the other central-banks!

Here, Jacob Rothschild Explained How & Why:

Optics are very important, the patriots are now exposing the corrupt economic system to the world. How do you create a crisis in which it exposes the [CB] and bring it down at them same time. Do what the [CB] does, but do it to them. Basel III coming, gold will be reevaluated.

Coronavirus and Vaccine Crime Documentary:


Australia and France become the first countries to acknowledge the chicanery that is the new covid vaccine

The ‘Great Reset’ is the hiding in plain sight agenda of the World Economic Forum, a globalist institution staffed by “leftist elites” who want to dictate how you live your life, says Sky News host Cory Bernardi.
“It (World Economic Forum) was started by a chap named Klaus Schwab and has run what is the equivalent of the Woodstock event for the super-rich and super powerful – Davos – for many years,” Mr Bernardi said.
“Davos is on now, although there are fewer private planes parked this year than normal.“It’s not because they’re practicing what they preach and they’ve all gone green and ditched the gas guzzlers but it’s because of coronavirus.”
Mr Bernardi pointed out the “hypocrisy” of those so-called leaders who are “jetting in” to lecture about the need to take urgent action on climate change by reducing emissions.
“The Great Reset is only a new term to mask their previous failures to control economic and social foundations,” he said.
“The World Economic Forum is just a cabal of climate crusaders and social engineers who think they know what is best for the rest us.”

Den tungt profilerade globalisten, teknokraten och grundaren av World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab, menar att en förestående samhällelig revolution som han själv förkunnar ska inleda en betydligt mer djupgående sammansmältning av människors fysiska och digitala identitet.

The "People-Hater" Mr. Deep-State-Davos aka Klaus Schwab among his young followers. Macron, Zuckerberg... Soros, Rothschild... so called "young (of course) GLOBAL leaders" (because they lead/control everything) to follow Gates, Rockefeller when their Great Reset is done and half of peoples population eliminated! 

WEF Klaus Schwab (Davos World Economic Forum, sonsored by Gates, Windsors, Rockefellers / Central Bank owners) - "The Great Reset"

Anal covid swabs going down well in China:

The Fake Pandemic will not stop as long the corrupt politicians are in power. Listen!

Demonstration in Berlin against Central-Banks-Cartel terrorism and the Fake-Pandemic!


VIENNA 31.01.2021, THIS IS HISTORY! The last days of the criminal Central-Banks leaded corrupt european Lockdown-Regimes!

Police join the protests in Vienna against the Central-Banks leaded Corona Terrorism!

BREAKING: Isle of Man 2021-02-03! The End of Lockdown and Pandemic! That is how it looks when your Government is not corrupted by the Central-Banks Deep State! 

Yes, the life is normal and beautiful! 

Hopefully the Gates, Rockefeller, Windsor Davos psychopaths will not try do destroy it like they did with everything what was good for people and therefore has been in their way or denied the need to reduce the world popolation by a half with their magic Great Reset!

Super Bowl Ads 2021:
