The Bible and the actual reality
by Jan Erik Sigdell (Slovenia)
From the Book of Revelations in the Bible:
13:16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
This in disgusting ways reminds a lot of fanciful plans for dealing with the so called pandemic caused by a virus named Corona, as if this virus had been created for the purpose of motivating actions according to these plans and for forcefully creating a “market” for experimentation with a new kind of a vaccine that can have heavy and even lethal side effects. Such plans include regulations that disallow citizens certain activities such as buying and selling unless they can prove that they are vaccinated, but also cuts down on their freedom.
This is a new and extreme form of RACISM, making the unvaccinated become second-class individuals deprived of natural rights. An “excuse” is that this should reduce the spread of the virus to other citizens.
But these other citizens will then be those who are vaccinated and, if the vaccine really is effective, how could they be exposed to a risk of becoming infected? The logical conclusion is then that either the vaccine is not very effective, or the real purpose of the mass-vaccination is not to create immunity, but another and obviously secret intention.
Such an intention can be suspected since the mRNA vaccine (manufactured by companies such as M[ODE]RNA…) is the first of a kind that genetically manipulates human beings and their immune response to organisms alien to their body, but quite probably not only that, but also and maybe even more to change their behavior, mentality physical function and even appearance.
In addition, it makes the recipient become the property of an organization or maybe even of a person who holds the patent for the new genetic code thus inserted! And these codes actually are patented. That is an entirely new kind of enslavement, sincethe owner of the patent then legally owns those who are vaccinated with such a code, having taken possession of their freedom! An ideal situation for dictatorship and totalitarianism… roboticizing people to become submissive zombies.
That one of the secret intentions with the vaccination threat is the manipulation of people’s personality was once demonstrated in a remarkable lecture by Bill Gates given many years ago at the CIA:
So who is the “beast” mentioned in the Bible quote above? An obvious answer would be Satan, whoever he is… There are several concepts, interpretations and views of what may be understood under the name “Satan”, alternatively “Lucifer” (the two names may be used for one and the same entity or maybe two closely related ones). Here is also room for speculations about certain extraterrestrials that may be involved in what is going on with us on this planet, but I will not delve into such questions here. It in any case has to do with evil in high degrees in this context… (but not all extraterrestrials are evil!).
In opposition to such questions there definitely are good forces also, of which the one called Christ is of a very actual importance in these times. Christ is a denomination, meaning the “anointed one”, and not a name. We have no real name for him (but early Christians sometimes called him “Autogenes”, meaning “self-begotten”). He in his own words said that his father was not the same as the one which the people in the temple called their father but, instead, the highest creator, often called El Elyon. See John 8.
He appeared on Earth as Jesus – or maybe he sent us Jesus as his messenger – and said that he would come back to save us at the end of time. It is our big hope that this will occur soon, actually the only real hope that we have. Is there an alternative to his return for liberating us from all evil? No! There is no one else we can rely on, being trustworthy enough without at least stains of evil. Our only chance will be to trust and unconditionally give ourselves to Him, with body, mind and soul, in service to Him. But beware: There are also false Christs trying to impersonate him! They regrettably seek influence in this world, even through certain movements that consider themselves to be Christian, and one such movement is the Church.
Giving ourselves to Christ involves the security that the beast cannot hijack us, since then we are not free to have for him – because we already belong to someone else: to Christ.
So what now about vaccinations and tests? It has been discovered that the swab used for insertion deep to the end of the nasal cavity has suspicious dark particles which could be nanochips that after the test stays on the bottom plate of the cranium. This plate is very thin and it has repeatedly happened that it became punched though by the swab, endangering the brain. Normally, our brain can not be easily reached with drugs or the like since they have to pass through the so called blood-brain barrier.
It is a known but rarely used trick in medicine to bypass that barrier through the cranial bottom plate. Is that the main motivation for inserting the swap so deep, rather than taking the test samples from the throat, which is a valid alternative? If nanochips are in contact with the brain, they can serve communication between it and a computer system with artificial intelligence that could take control of the brain, effectively making us “computer terminals” – via the 5G systems growing all around us. Such nanochips do already exist.
Bill Gates funded developments of a plan to replace vaccination via syringe and needle with a kind of band-aid with a large number of tiny but short needles like microfangs, like teeth of a snake (!), having channels inside through which the vaccine can gradually but quite painlessly enter the body. Such “band-aids” could be placed on the wrist or on the hand, or on the forehead if a person has no hands. Now we are really close to the prediction about “the hand or in the forehead”… Thus the question arises: “Should a Christian take the vaccine?” You will have to decide this yourself… Not only regarding the vaccination, but also regarding testing procedures. Either way, the “mark of the beast” can be smuggled into you in the shape of, e.g., nanochips.
A remarkable idea of Gates is to mark vaccinated persons with luciferase! This is a luminescent substance that can glow in the dark and be used either in an irremovable tattoo or it can possibly even be inserted in your genes. The idea is to make each and everyone of us identifiable this waywith a unique ID code. No need for a passport, a driving license, ID and credit cards and so on, and also not for a vaccination pass. Here it ties in with what is written above! Everyone has his or her vaccination status easily exposed. And the name “luciferase” ties in with satanic forces ruling our Earth…
And if this happens or has already happened to you without your knowledge? Or persuading you with lies? Then you did not agree but were tricked. You became marked without your consensus. This cannot possibly be “legally” valid in a spiritual sense, and certainly not forever.
The decision is not easy, since we may have to sacrifice much in our lives. But death is not to be feared! Dying can be a painful but hopefully short procedure and after that follows freedom in Christ, or alternatively more slavery to evil powers, since only the body dies but the soul is immortal.