EU:s läkemedelsmyndighet godkänner Modernas vaccin mot covid-19.
Godkännandet fra n Europeiska läkemedelsmyndigheten (EMA) kom strax efter lunchtid på onsdagen, rapporterar nyhetsbyra erna Reuters och AFP.
Därmed blir Modernas vaccin det andra vaccinet mot covid-19 att godkännas inom EU.
Nu är det upp till EU-kommissionen att ge grönt ljus, ett besked som väntas gå snabbt.
Enligt Sveriges vaccinsamordnare Richard Bergström tog det två timmar senast, då vaccinet från Pfizer/Biontech godkändes.
EU ”GODKÄNNER” ett ICKE av Moderna själva GODKÄNT gift ☠️?? Är folk helt blinda?
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"Vaccinet" uppfyller inte de medicinska eller juridiska kriterierna för att kallas vaccin, utan är genterapi.
Lyssna nedan vad Bill Gates säger i en föreläsning till CIA tjänstemän kring genetiskt modifiering av människor, vilket alltså pågår för fullt nu genom hans så kallade vacciner.
•17,500 mcg 2-phenoxyethanol (antifreeze)
•5,700 mcg aluminum (neurotoxin)
•Unknown amounts of fetal bovine serum(aborted cow blood)
•801.6 mcg formaldehyde (carcinogen, embalming agent)
•23,250 mcg gelatin (ground up animal carcass)
•500 mcg human albumin (human blood)
•760 mcg of monosodium L-glutamate (causes obesity & diabetes)
•Unknown amounts of MRC-5 cells (aborted human babies)
•Over 10 mcg neomycin (antibiotic)
•Over 0.075 mcg polymyxin B (antibiotic)
•Over 560 mcg polysorbate 80 (carcinogen)
•116 mcg potassium chloride (used in a lethal injection)
•188 mcg potassium phosphate (liquid fertilizer agent)
•260 mcg sodium bicarbonate (baking soda)
•70 mcg sodium borate (Borax, used for cockroach control)
•54,100 mcg of sodium chloride (table salt)
•Unknown amounts of sodium citrate (food additive)
•Unknown amounts of sodium hydroxide (Danger! Corrosive)
•2,800 mcg sodium phosphate (toxic to any organism)
•Unknown amounts of sodium phosphate monobasic monohydrate (toxic to any organism)
•32,000 mcg sorbitol (Not to be injected)
•0.6 mcg streptomycin (antibiotic)
•Over 40,000 mcg sucrose (cane sugar)
•35,000 mcg yeast protein (fungus)
•5,000 mcg urea (metabolic waste from human urine)
•Other chemical residuals
(From the book, "What The Pharmaceutical Companies Don't Want You To Know About Vaccines" - By Dr.Todd M. Elsner)
Doctor Christian Tal Schaller
Doctor Serge Rader
Frédéric Chaumont
Orkar du inte läsa allt? Är jag en självutnämnd google-expert med folihatt? Lyssna på vad världens läkare, vårdpersonal och forskare säger HÄR.
Samlar här lite fakta och lite tankar att tänka. Du behöver inte berätta för mig att jag är korkad, osolidarisk eller oempatisk, för det är inte sant. Jag håller bara inte med dig och du håller inte med mig.
Doctor found dead 5 days after Vaccine
There was nothing in local media about his death.
So grab a cuppa and get comfortable because this 50 minute film takes you on a powerful journey that test your emotions to the limit.
En studie på 10 miljoner människor
Asymptomatic spreaders of the disease is a claim, that is being spread as a fact!
Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, on asymptomatic transmission:
Are they waiting for interviews in order to get a job within healthcare?
The Plan to Control the World:
Our children are being psychologically harmed by the social distancing, lockdowns, and masks.
Did you know children require seeing faces to learn social and emotional cues that correlate to neural wiring and brain development?
We are hampering their emotional and neurological development with the mask mandates.
This is not natural and just heartbreaking.
“In the future, we will eliminate the soul with medicine. Under the pretext of a ‘healthy point of view’, there will be a vaccine by which the human body will be treated as soon as possible directly at birth, so that the human being cannot develop the thought of the existence of soul and Spirit.
To materialistic doctors, will be entrusted the task of removing the soul of humanity.
As today, people are vaccinated against this disease or that disease, so in the future, children will be vaccinated with a substance that can be produced precisely in such a way that people, thanks to this vaccination, will be immune to being subjected to the “madness” of spiritual life.
He would be extremely smart, but he would not develop a conscience, and that is the true goal of some materialistic circles.
With such a vaccine, you can easily make the etheric body loose in the physical body. Once the etheric body is detached, the relationship between the universe and the etheric body would become extremely unstable, and man would become an automaton, for the physical body of man must be polished on this Earth by spiritual will.
So, the vaccine becomes a kind of arymanique force; man can no longer get rid of a given materialistic feeling. He becomes materialistic of constitution and can no longer rise to the spiritual.”
Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925)
Dr Carrie Madej’s revelations about the mRNA Covid vaccines have been stirring up a lot of interest. Most of Carrie’s videos have now been censored by YouTube which speaks volumes about the veracity of the information she is sharing. All of her interviews contain important information and insight into to the hideous technologies being used in the new mRNA vaccines.
Scroll down for many recent prophetic warnings from Jesus confirming that these vaccines do indeed begin the roll out of the ‘Mark of The Beast’ technology prophesied in The Book of Revelation Chapters 13, 14, and 16.
Microdot technology applied via a patch or a tattoo will soon be employed as well to deliver these hideous ID and surveillance technologies.
That is why the technology is referred to as a ‘mark’ in scripture. In the Koine Greek translation of the New Testament the ‘mark’ is referred to as a ‘stamp’. Read:
Det finns ingen pandemi med Covid-19, det har aldrig funnits och kommer aldrig att finnas, säger Sayer Ji*.
*Sayer Ji är grundaren av GreenMedInfo, världens största naturliga hälsodatabas med öppen tillgång.
Han är också granskare vid International Journal of Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine, medgrundare och VD för Systome Biomed, styrelseledamot i National Health Federation och styrgruppsmedlem i Global Non-GMO Foundation.
Se hans video och få en helhetsbeskrivning av många galenskaper som vi alla utsätts för, t ex om maktens planer och göromål, och vad som är dess syfte. Videon är 1 tim kort, du kan lägga till svensk textremsa om du vill och du kan sakta ner videon så du hinner med att läsa, enligt mina tidigare instruktioner. (Originalvideo är givetvis raderad av Jew-Tube).
”We Have a Lot of Evidence that It’s a Fake Story All Over the World” – German Doctors on COVID-19
Se också här.
BREAKING NEWS Big news of the world,
Italy did postmortem of dead corona patient, big revelation happened
Italy has become the first country in the world to perform an autopsy (postmortem) on a dead body from a Covid-19 and, after a comprehensive investigation, has discovered that the Covid-19 does not exist as a virus, but a very large one. Is a global scam. People are actually dying due to "Amplified Global 5G Electromagnetic Radiation (Poison)".
Doctors in Italy have violated World Health Organization (WHO) law, which does not authorize autopsies (postmortem) on the bodies of people who have died from the corona virus in order to find out after some kind of scientific discovery.
It cannot be assumed that it is not a virus, but a bacterium that causes death, which causes blood clots to form in the veins, i.e. blood clots in the veins and nerves due to this bacterium and this is the patient Causes the death of.
Italy has beaten the virus, stating that "there is nothing but phelia-intravascular coagulation (thrombosis) and the way to deal with it is to cure it."
Antibiotics tablets
Anti-inflammatory and
Taking Anticoagulants (Aspirin) cures it.
And indicating that a cure for the disease is possible, this sensational news for the world has been prepared by Italian doctors by autopsy (postmortem) of corpses from the Covid-19 virus. According to some other Italian scientists, ventilators and the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) were never needed.
Protocols for this have now been issued in Italy.
CHINA already knew about it but never made its report public.
Please share this information with all your family, neighbors, acquaintances, friends, colleagues so that they can get out of the fear of Covid-19 and understand that this is not a virus at all but just a bacterium that is exposed to 5G radiation.
The cause is harming people who have very low immunity. This radiation also causes inflammation and hypoxia. Those who fall prey to this should take Asprin-100mg and Apronix or Paracetamol 650mg. Why… ??? क .
Because it has been shown that covid-19 causes blood to clot which causes thrombosis to the person and due to which blood clots in the veins and due to this the brain, heart and lungs cannot get oxygen due to which the person Breathing becomes difficult and a person dies quickly due to shortness of breath.
Doctors in Italy disobeyed WHO's protocol and performed autopsies on corpses that had died of covid-19.
Doctors opened the arms, legs and other parts of the body and after examining and examining them properly, they noticed that the blood vessels were dilated and the veins were full of thrombi, which usually stopped the blood from flowing. And also reduces the flow of oxygen into the body which causes the patient to die. After learning of this research, the Italian Ministry of Health immediately changed the treatment protocol of Covid-19 and gave aspirin to its positive patients.
100mg and started giving Empromax. As a result, the patients started recovering and their health started showing improvement. The Italian Ministry of Health discharged more than 14,000 patients in a single day and sent them home.
Source: Italian Ministry of Health
Den så kallade coronapandemin är ett bedrägeri av monumentala mått. Det konstaterar den grävande journalisten Iain Davis som sammanfattar bevisen i en utförlig artikel som Nya Dagbladet idag låter publicera:
Slutligt bevis: Covid-19 planerades för att inleda den Nya Världsordningen (NWO):
Whether or not coronavirus can be spread asymptomatically is perhaps the most important question surrounding the disease.
After all, the assumption that it can has been used to justify mask mandates and life-ravaging lockdowns. This is why it’s striking that a major study, involving almost 10 million people, has found zero cases of asymptomatic transmission — and that our COVID-panic-porn-peddling mainstream media have met it with deafening silence.
Proof That The Pandemic Was Planned & With Purpose:
- In 2015 a ‘System and Method for Testing for #COVIDー19 was patented (US20200279585A1) by Richard A. Rothschild
- The Rockefeller Foundation: 'A Global Pandemic Must Result In Increased Control'
This is just silly - a virus is a bit of your cells that are being cleansed out of your body. You cant catch a virus.
Coronakrisen är triggern till en global statskupp av monumentala mått. Det är inledningen på en ny era, med en ny internationell ekonomisk ordning som riskerar att fullständigt tillintetgöra människans friheter.
Tyrannerna har nu tagit över för att med tvång styra oss in i en “klimatsmart” och “hälsosam” värld genom World Economic Forums nya tekno-totalitära färdplan – The Great Reset.
15 % av i dagsläget 8 000 avlidna personer blir omkring 1 200 personer som har dött av Covid-19. Det blir 0,011 % eller att 99,99 % av Sveriges befolkning har överlevt pandemin som inte kan betraktas annat än som en vanlig förkylning.
COVID-19 Roadmap: 12 Step Plan To Create A Totalitarian “New World Order” – We’re On Number 8, Headed Towards Number 9!
Läs denna artikel om denna Sataniska agenda där den som tar vaccinet tar emot odjurets märke och upphör vara människa:
Lasse Wikman:
Jag översätter bara ca 15 minuter. Resten får ni klara själva.
Idag har Dave en gäst hos sig. Dr Shiva. Egentligen skulle jag inte skriva något om detta, bara lyssna.
Men det är intressant att höra Dr Shiva. Han benämner bl a Anthony Faucis utsago om Covid-19 som fake.
Dr Shiva säger om detta virus, att det har att göra med tre saker. Makt, Pengar och Kontroll.
Han säger vidare att det är bara att följa pengarna. Den farmaceutiska industrin har alltid varit rädda för vetenskap.
Immunsystemet är väldigt komplex. Det är inte bara som Anthony Fauci säger, att det är bara att ta vaccin.
Om man arbetar med modern vetenskap, inte den gamla som Fauci gör, inser man att kroppen reagerar på olika stressrelaterade saker.
Det gör att man måste se och förhålla sig till vad som egentligen är viktigt.
När det gäller den farmaceutiska industrins "forskning" under de senaste 20 åren, så bygger den på vinstmaximering.
Det betyder att de rön man finner kan inte platsa i den filosofi läkemedelsindustrin har, för att dessa rön tär på den framtida vinsten.
Alla de sideffekter som medicinen skapar med "ohälsa" på andra områden, blir till händelser de försöker hjälpligt finna bot på.
Inte ens FDA är nöjda med läkemedelsindustrins ageranden och "halvhjärtade" försök att bemästra de negativa sideffekter de skapar.
Att komma ut ur det dilemma kemikalieindustrin hamnat i, är att stödja sig på en akt som John F Kennedy skrev under 1962.
Det betydde att industrin kunde skydda sig bakom denna akt.
Ted Kennedy hade tänkt att 1986 försöka få bort detta skydd för kemikalieindustrin, men eftersom det var hans bortgångne bror som skapat det, ville ha ha den kvar slutligen.
Det man kan säga om Demokraterna är, att pratar de om att avreglera så blir det tvärtom, fler regler.
Så dagens farmaceutiska industri har Anthony Fauci, Det kommunistiska Kina, CDC, Zuckerberg, Clinton Foundation och WHO som talar för vaccin.
Att som Dr Shiva tala om att boosta immunförsvaret, har varit svårt att få människor att förstå. Trots att det är den enda lösningen på problemet.
Vitamin D3 boostar immunsystemet. Det finns också andra mineraler och vitaminer att stärka immunsystemet med. Det är bara det som behövs, för några få dollar.
Allt det vi nu ser, är att allt görs för att rädda den farmaceutiska industrin, skapa rädsla, hjälplöshet och panik. Det kommer att leda till fascism.
Tyvärr har vi de prostituerade forskarna och läkarna som föds av Anthony Fauci som i alla lägen är tysta.
Vi hamnar ni i ett läge då befolkningen påtvingas mask kanske upp till 3 år. Då har man förstört mycket av munhälsan, den orala hälsan.
Dessutom är hälsan sämre för var och en, då alla förbud och restriktioner kommer att begränsa var och ens tillvaro.
Vi måste inse att vi lever i en värld med fusk forskning.
Stoppar mask virus? 95% av virus går rakt igenom. Du kan inte använda mask mer än en till två timmar, för används den längre så får du migrän.
Det är två saker som är dåligt med mask.
Det första är att du kommer att andas genom munnen, vilket gör att munnen torkar ut.
Det andra är att temperaturen ökar med 2 grader.
I munnen finns upp emot 300 sorters bakterier och alla är inte goda. Mask skapar högre temperatur och lägre pH i munnen.
En tandläkare har noterat att nu har han fått många patienter som har problem med gommen, något som de inte hade före användning av mask.
Det enda vi ska tala om och göra, är att strunta i mask, för då ökar imuniteten. Det vi verkligen ska engagera oss i, är de äldre människorna.
Där ska vi öka deras styrka och vitalitet med att boost immunsystemet. Då kommer de att leva upp igen.
Men detta sätt gör inga pengar för Big Pharma och Fauci.
Anledningen till nedstängning är helt kort, att de rika ger fullständigt fan i arbetande människor.
Lasse Wikman
Ha dock hopp! Den goda sidan kommer att vinna! Lyssna här:
”I said I might get killed for this. He said, no, you have to write it.”
The late Michael Crichton, author of "State of Fear," along with a panel of distinguished scientists, examine the increasing politicization of science at an event sponsored by the Independent Institute:
Doctors are now uniting against the pre planned and fabricated plandemic, which is quickly turning into a full genocidal push across the world.
Over 100,000 doctors and various health professionals have now united against the government planned genocide, with the pharmaceutical giants ready to start the slaughter in the long term care homes via an untested vaccine that purposely skipped animal trials.
The uninformed public is also targeted first and foremost, simply believing the government would never lie to them. The government is more than lying and these health professionals go on the record to document the government and media lies.
As the vaccine is set to kill and cripple the seniors and the uninformed in the first wave of genocide, their vaccine induced deaths and disease states will be used as the excuse to force the vaccine on everyone else, as the evil media and corrupt government will simply re-label the medical genocide as COVID-19 or something more deadly than COVID. This has been the plan the entire time.
PROF. DR SUCHARIT BHAKDI - THE SIDE EFFECTS OF THE GENETIC VACCINE Sucharit Bhakdi is the most famous German specialist in microbiology and infectious disease epidemiology. He has trained more than 40,000 doctors.
Detta öppna brev har skrivits under av över 400 belgiska läkare och av över 1000 av annan sjukvårdspersonal. Brevet är ställt till alla belgiska myndigheter och alla belgiska medier den 5 september 2020.
Doctors unmask the truth about Coronavirus | Times Now i-Report:
Lyssna på Amazing Polly:
Proof That The Pandemic Was Planned & With Purpose:
Covid-19: Informative videos
1 - PCR Testing Scam - 2nd Wave Hysteria DEBUNKED! - The HighWire
2 - Lock Downs Killing More Than Bat Aids - Ivor Cummins
3 - Ireland Joins UK Govt in Refusing to Confirm COVID19 Even Exists
4 - Don't Stop Believing by epic sellouts (on media lies, crisis actors, etc)
The World Bank offered Belarus a $940 million coronavirus loan in June. But the conditions included that they lock down and destroy their economy. The Belarus President Aleksander Lukashenko didn't accept the bribe and went public with the details.
Dolores Cahill Phd is interviewed by Liam Galvin. "I Would Sue For Murder if Someone Forcibly Injected Me With The Vaccine!" | Facebook" posted there Tue 29 Dec 2020, 09:55 UTC.
Transcript from there:
So people know who you are um obviously there's been a vaccine That's come out over here uh in England um what is your advice about vaccine? should people take them so they take in relation to the coronavirus and I would not personally take an MA vaccine to the coronavirus.
No, and I have said if you paid me 10000000 pounds, I would not take one and if anyone forcibly injected me like they can potentially try to do in Australia.
I would sue someone for attempted murder and the reason I'm saying. That is that I've spent 20 years looking at the immune system and there is a huge issue that when uh they make RA vaccines against RNA viruses that over 20 years or 40 years that when they tried them in animal models that up to one-third or half or all of the animals either got seriously ill or died, and they've also tested some of these RA vaccines in humans and in children and in babies uh and in some case.
We will say half of the children would have had serious adverse events have been hospitalized and in one case two babies out of 35 in a study.
The two babies died so that the adverse events and death over the last 20 years related to uh RA vaccines has been so significantly bad that zero vaccines have been licensed for coronavirus in the in ever so uh.
A lot of people are gonna be pressured into having the vaccine. uh what what can they do to fight that pressure in the workplace and in general life?
Well, I would say for the societal changes that are happening, you know in 2020, the first thing you just say is no, and I would say to someone if someone is forcing you to get a vaccine to keep your job or to travel.
I would say I'm afraid don't take it and then make a plan you know uh are you concerned uh about all the talk of uh of a coveted possible. Yes I am.
So we all have in a rights which are rights that are given to us by being human and being born and we have freedom to travel and we have these rights every single one of us and no one can take them away so that no one can threaten you or coerce you uh to say you cannot travel unless you do something that is against our fundamental rights and people.
I think we uh you know around the world as you know we're involved in the word Freedom Alliance and part of that as an education pillar that people have systems.
Not been educated that we have in rights and they include enable rights to freedom of speech, freedom of travel and bodily integrity.
So no one can stop you and your freedom of travel. You have that enable right it can't be taken away uh your freedom of speech and you have bodily integrity. so no one can force you to have you know medical intervention such as a vaccine or test uh that is not and no one can do that and it's against all of our freedoms and. Rights and against the code, you cannot be coerced into having medical treatment to either keep your job or job.
So what is your overall view of the pandemic and is it is it true or is it built on a lie?
So I suppose what people can if they're uh listening now is search for the World Health Organization Declaration on the eleventh of March 20 and there they will see on the second line that the world health or. Organization said that the cost of agent was a Corona virus and which we all know or should know the Corona viruses only caused illness and symptoms in the northern hemisphere.
So we say Asia Europe and North America between December and April, and so they declared the pandemic on the eleventh of March, and they said that in the whole world 4291 people had died so that if I've been. Saying if you're president or prime minister, you have to say, okay, how does that compare to every year people die including from influenza like illness how many people die every year and every year between 1000000 people die so we say half a million people, so they declared the pandemic not when something was the same as every year, not even half or one-tenth or one twentieth or one fiftieth, but at 1\u0025 of the amount of people. Die every year and if I was Prime Minister President, I would say no one percent of you know almost at the end of the Corona virus flu season is not a reason at all to declare pandemic and I think fundamentally uh they should not have declared it, but also it's been known for 50 years that people can actually do something themselves, which is to boost their immune system so that less people will die and that involves taking things that have won Noble prizes like vitamin D, one a noble price for how good it is for our health, vitamin C and zinc.
And also there are drugs that work really well some of them around the world Health organization uh essential medicines of the world because they are so good and so safe, including hydroxy and zinc.
So essentially Corona viruses can be successfully prevented and treated by some of the FD licensed drugs and the safest treatments and noble prize winning treatments so that on the eleventh of March.
If there were deaths, we should have just been informed in the world. you can boost your own immune system, vitamin D and zinc prescribed some of the. Safest drugs in the world, hydrochloric and zinc, and no one need die.
There was no reason at all to declare a pandemic on the eleventh of March 20, and there was no reason for the lock down.
There was no reason for any of the other measures such as quarantine, social distancing or masks. What has been your views on on locked down and the effect that it had on people.
So I suppose it's well known for you know, 100 years the effect of locked down and people so this is known from fields of economics such as economics. Social science and health uh, and this was well studied. we say in the 1930s following the depression and in the many banking crisis that we've had in 2008 to 2010 and currently and how people study it is, we say what is the increase in unemployment right because it would have been well known that.
If you are going to lock down the economy, there would be unemployment and there were well characterized the illness and death that results from the lockdown. so the. Kind of symptoms If you do have unemployment or things like uh poverty, people don't eat so well, there's an increase in suicides increase in depression and increase in diseases like cardiovascular disease and cancer.
So you can exactly say the effects of the lockdown so any president or prime minister such as Boris Johnson should have said Okay.
The harm of the lockdown has to be compared with the harm of coronavirus. so when they locked down the world will say on the eleventh of March 56 people.
We were dying per day in the world of covet nineteen so that works out because we have7800000000 people in the world that people had a chance of dying of one in 1.8000000.
So let's say in Ireland, we have 5000000 people so in the flu season in Ireland, maybe two to three people would have died in the whole flu season from covet nineteen so the same thing.
If you have 60000000 people in the UK, you would be talking about thirty people would die in the whole flu season from. At nineteen and okay, so then the harm of the lockdown is though that for every percentage increase in unemployment, basically for the lockdown for 6 months from a Swiss study. uh everybody in the United Kingdom actually would lose 6 months of life.
Okay, So you have 60000000 people in the United Kingdom. so the harm of the 6 months of the lockdown has been that everyone. Live in the United Kingdom has jointly has lost 30000000 years of life, so everyone will die 6 months younger because of the lockdown. so every day of the lockdown in twenty, there is a reduction of at least 1 day on average of everyone in the country.
So you have to compare that with the number of people who died from COVID-19 which would have been you know very a handful of people and if people have been informed that they can actually protect themselves by vitamin DC and And if doctors actually publicized that some of the safest drugs in the world, hydroxy and zinc could have been given, we could actually have prevented all of the deaths from Covenant.
So the harm benefit analysis is that the harm of the lockdown is much worse and just to put it in numbers. Ireland has 5000000 people um and the unemployment in Ireland has gone from 5\u0025 in February 20 to over 25\u0025. so we have lost again two and a half million years of life lost in Ireland from the 6 months of the lockdown and the real numbers. Of actual deaths in Ireland is 100 people uh died from the lockdown between January and the beginning of September 20.
So when you look at the harm of the lockdown, uh it is much worse and therefore I have been calling since May that the lockdown should be stopped immediately not that you know, we're not worried about the people who may die from Covenant nineteen um, but actually coronavirus is only killed until April.
So they're really no deaths from May onwards, but if the Harm of the lockdown is ten or twenty times more people are dying than we have a duty of care for people and a responsibility.
The prime ministers the advisers the ministers for health to not bring in policies that clearly harm more people. so I would clearly say the harm of the lockdown in the United Kingdom and in Ireland and across the world is multiple times worse than the coronavirus illnesses, which can be entirely prevented and treated Marsh.
Are they effective? I mean you you won't wear one now tell us tell us about the masks so the first thing is why I keep going back to the eleventh of March 20.
If you have a disease right, COVID-19 that's you can treat everybody. So no one need die. then what I'm saying is you don't need any lock down and if you don't need a lock down, then you don't need social distancing quarantine in our masks. so there is no need for the masks and the reason why you can show that is the Corona viruses do cause illness will say the peak February march.
January February, March and Ireland is 5000000 people and the number of people who died from COVID-19 in January February March in Ireland was zero People official statistics Seeso that one the first day was the fifth of April.
This was without masks without social distancing. So therefore you do not need masks, but it is well known from physiology that we need oxygen to live and the masks. Clear and verifiably reduce the oxygen that you take in to dangerously low levels, but increase your carbon dioxide. so most of the time when you breathe in and breathe out, you're talking about 400 parts per million in the air and breathe out slightly higher.
But if you wear the mask for even a few minutes, the carbon dioxide levels that you breathe out go above toxic levels so 2000 parts per million and go up to 5000 parts per million and there are health. Free standards called Ocean standards in the United States and in Germany and in the United States, for example, if you are working in an environment with 2000 parts per million carbon dioxide that is supposed to be unsafe and you can sue your employer and you don't have to work there.
So when people wear masks, they probably are in an environment of twice that like children in school or people who are working because the carbon dioxide level behind the mask is actually a toxic levels and they are poisoning themselves. And you know they essentially are being required to wear mask, which actually cause significant illness and the mass also capture a lot of the fungi and microorganisms and viruses in the mask, which are then reread it and there's an increase in diseases like Psy.
But the major significant issue is that because of the reduction of oxygen and the symptoms are things like migraine chronic fatigue, but it has been shown that. After 2 hours in neurological studies in Germany uh that you can get irreversible uh damage to the brain after 2 hours.
What would you say to people who are maybe not brave enough to get rid of their mask?
Uh how can you encourage them to take that mask off and so I would never wear a mask and that you know I've obviously uh it has been you know there's quite a lot of aggression or whatever if you don't wear a mask uh and the reason is.
Well, you know Corona virus is only cause illness right. It's known for decades between December January, February, March April, and then the next December, so there is no need for the masks.
So therefore, people shouldn't be actually challenging people to wear one. The masks do not uh these viruses. Corona virus is actually are spread when they fall on a solid surface like a door handle.
They are not spread by the aerosol method and also the masks you know it's been done in. The gap in the mask is like a fly going through a gold pops right that even if you are breathing the viruses, the mask actually will not stop the transmission of the virus.
So the first thing has to be said is are the masks necessary?
No do they have any benefit in relation to the virus? No are they causing more harm than good because you actually are reducing your oxygen increasing carbon dioxide.
Yes hugely so therefore for all those. Reasons you should say no anybody wearing a mask is actually going to reduce their oxygen level and capture more viruses and fungi and microorganisms and trap them in their lungs and actually have symptoms like you know, reduce oxygen migraine chronic fatigue. so I would not wear a mask and I have not wear a mask throughout this, even though it has been you know tough a lot of the time and I would not encourage people to wear mask and unfortunately people will look back on this in years to come.
Say it was you know a policy probably one of the most harmful policies because when people have reduced oxygen like students in classrooms, it's entirely unnecessary.
No healthy child uh in has died from covenant uh that they will have reduced ability to learn and to uh their brain cognition will actually go down. It's well known that rejection of oxygen can actually damage the brain um and the same for the. Elderly that it can actually induce diseases puts pressure on the immune system and on the heart when you don't have oxygen so I think it's one of the worst ah policy ah decisions ever and one of the most harmful for the people living in the United Kingdom and I would say if you are in a job where you are required to wear mask I would say another job and create your own job but it's not worth it will it's damaging your health to not wear a mask.
Why are people consenting to the measures being imposed on us when hardly anyone died. The effects can't be undone.
This stops when we all stand up and say no. The Government will not stop otherwise. We have human rights and they have taken them away!
Read this article: Children are harmed for life due to social distancing
Potential Dangers of COVID-19 Vaccines including DNA Alteration & Microchips
Vaccines Conclusively Shown to Cause Sickness, Autism in Children
Fact-checking the Fact Checkers on DNA-altering Vaccines
Farrakhan Accuses Fauci & Gates of Trying to Depopulate Us with Vaccines
Dr. Andrew Kaufman Responds to Reuters “Fact Check” on GMO Vaccines
Vaccine Whistleblower: New Vaccine Causes Sterility in 97% of Women!
Dangerous Nanoparticles Contaminating Many Vaccines: Study
The Injection Fraud—It’s Not a Vaccine
The Shocking Truth about the Dangers of the Coronavirus Vaccine
Who Pushes the Idea of an Epidemic; What Are Their Crimes?
VAXXED II (Full Documentary 2020)
Bill Gates: Covid Vaccine Will Use Experimental Tech & Permanently Alter DNA
The Coronavirus Pandemic Is the Biggest Scam Ever Perpetrated on Humanity
Does Contact Tracing Lead to Vaccine Tracing?
They Want to Genetically Modify Us with the COVID-19 Vaccine
Benjamin Netanyahu Calls for Children to Be Microchipped First
Passport to the Brave New World: The Vaccine
Bill Gates Funds Microchip Implant Vaccine Technology
The COVID Vaccine: Simple Facts Staring Us in the Face
Truth Will Prevail: 1200 Studies That Refute Vaccine Claims (Downloadable PDF)
Look at this link below: Lockdown methods are the same a torture...
För de som fortfarande inte sett filmen ”Plandemic” med Dr. Judy Mikovits så rekommenderar jag den varmt! (Länk nedan).
On Saturday 24 October 2020 kl. 22:50, Bob Jones <> wrote:
I have lived in Vegas off & on since 1963. I have seen almost every type of SCAM & CON-JOB you can imagine & things you cannot imagine.
I sent out 2 emails last week, the 1st one from Jon Rappaport who is a investigative Journalist that from the CDC's own paperwork in September, they have ZERO samples of Covid19!
Supposedly Millions have "Tested" for it & 10's of Thousands have Died from it & they do NOT have even "1" sample of Covid19 at all & NEVER have!
So you CANNOT possibly have a Test for something that DOES NOT Exist! Also, you CANNOT possibly make a Vaccine for something that DOES NOT Exist!!!
Next, I sent out an e-mail from G. Edward Griffin one of THE BEST Writers of the 20th Century from his website with a Video from Dr. David Rasnick, PHD who was one of the foremost Researchers on HIV/AIDS who says HIV/AIDS is NOT a Virus & never existed!
If one does the Math, 2 plus 2 equals 4. HIV/AIDS was said to be in the sodomite/faggot Men & niggers in Africa, so nobody cares about them & it was ignored for the most part.
This PROVES they have tried this SCAM CON-JOB before when NO VIRUS Existed!
Today, Covid19 is said to exists Worldwide, BUT ZERO samples of it anywhere at all! This is all 100% a CON-JOB, a SCAM, a LIE, IT DOES NOT EXIST ANYWHERE ON PLANET EARTH, NOT EVEN IN A LABORATORY IN CHINA, OR ANYWHERE ELSE!
As Dr. Lorraine Day said Months ago, "Not "1" person has Died of Corona Virus (Before they did the Name Change to Covid19, Who are the Great Name Changers in History???) who didn't already have a PREEXISTING Condition"! In others words, they would have died in a short period of time anyway, BUT from the Pre-Exsiting Condition!
The satanic DNA seedline jew kids want Population Reduction most of all (That's You & Your Family & Friends) to the Number of at least 90% Worldwide MURDERED! About 7 BILLION People!
The beauty of using a PCR method for detecting genetic material is that WE can generate as many or few “cases” we like by altering the amplification cycle.
We can generate high cases to force a new lock down and low cases to prove that lockdown worked. Are you getting the picture yet?
Please share this video/article, which reveals there were no excess deaths from COVID in 2020. They're going to take it down at some point, because the implications are devastating to their narrative, built as it is upon manipulation of data and lies:
Orsaken till att Swebbtv stängts av från att ladda upp på YT i en vecka är att Etablissemanget inte vill att Cirkus Corona ska komma till allmänhetens kännedom. Läs här.
Vi vet ju redan att Corona är en PCR test bluff.
Ett bedrägeri med PCR tester. PCR tester är inte godkänt för att diagnostisera någon infektion, det får heller inte användas till det. Testarna ger upp till 95-100 % felaktiga resultat och hela denna corona-hysteri är bluff helt enkelt.
Det finns ingen Corona-pandemi.
Det hela är an PCR test pandemi som bygger på bluff tester och bedrägeri med tester. Där ligger sanningen som mainstream medierna inte vill ska komma fram.
Myndigheterna vet om att detta är en PCR test bluff men de fortsätter att ljuga. Myndigheterna är fullständigt korrupta. Läs här.
The Scam Has Been Confirmed: PCR Does Not Detect SARS-CoV-2
Urgent News From Dr Vernon Coleman:
International best-selling author, Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA, exposes a remarkable truth about the covid-19 vaccine:
The Covid-19 Genocide of 2020 – Claire Edwards:
All COVID-19 Vaccines:
All Transfection Methods will use (Luciferase Gene)
5 Methods of Transfection
1) Lipid Based Transfection
2) Calcium Phosphate
3) Electroporation (Use of Electricity)
4) Polyplus (Use of Plasmids)
5) Protein Based (Use of Proteins)
1st Transfection Method: Lipid based
Transfection Method: Lipid (Luciferase Gene)
Enhanced in vivo bioluminescence imaging using liposomal luciferin delivery system
A Potent Branched-Tail Lipid Nanoparticle Enables Multiplexed mRNA Delivery and Gene Editing In Vivo
Quantum Dots & Nanoparticles
Functionalized lipid-like nanoparticles for in vivo mRNA delivery and base editing
Lipid Nanoparticles for Gene Delivery
Lipid-mRNA Nanoparticle Designed to Enhance Intracellular Delivery Mediated by Shock Waves
2nd Transfection Method: Calcium Phosphate
Transfection Method: Calcium Phosphate (Luciferase Gene)
Non-Invasive In Vivo Imaging of Calcium Signaling in Mice
Transfection of Luciferase with Delivery System of Nanoparticles
Calcium phosphate nanoparticles-based systems for siRNA delivery
Quantum Dots & Nanoparticles
Preliminary in vivo magnetofection data using magnetic calcium phosphate nanoparticles immobilizing DNA and iron oxide nanocrystals
Biodegradable Calcium Phosphate Nanoparticle with Lipid Coating for Systemic siRNA Delivery
3rd Transfection Method: Electroporation
Transfection Method: Electroporation (Luciferase Gene)
Electroporation as a method for high-level nonviral gene transfer to the lung
In vivo electroporation and ubiquitin promoter--a protocol for sustained gene expression in the lung
A Critical Review of Electroporation as A Plasmid Delivery System in Mouse Skeletal Muscle
Visualization of in vivo electroporation mediated transgene expression in experimental tumors by optical and magnetic resonance imaging
Electroporation of Mammalian Cells with a Firefly Luciferase Expression Plasmid: Kinetics of Transient Expression Differ Markedly among Cell Types
Quantum Dots & Nanoparticles
Gold Nanoparticles Enhanced Electroporation for Mammalian Cell Transfection
Electroporation for nanomedicine: a review!divAbstract
Electroporation of a nanoparticle-associated DNA vaccine induces higher inflammation and immunity compared to its delivery with microneedle patches in pigs
4th Transfection Method: Polyplus
What is Polyplus Transfection?
Luciferase for Optimal DNA Transfection
Luminescence-based in vivo monitoring of NF-κB activity through a gene delivery approach
Quantum Dots & Nanoparticles
Polyplus-transfection(R) launches a powerful nanotechnology for DNA transfection composed of jetOPTIMUS(R) reagent
The CIA said in 2014 it will no longer use fake vaccination programs for spy operations, but now their big data analytics creation Palantir will track vaccinations. Goldman Sachs insights on the genome revolution in vaccine research asks in biotech report : Is curing patients a sustainable business model ? Big pharma’s economic model is not to cure.
AstraZeneca Vaccine
The 1st 2 Ingredients are Nano Particles
The 1st Ingredient: L-histidine
L-histidine coated iron oxide nanoparticles: Synthesis, structural and conductivity characterization
The 2nd ingredient: L-histidine hydrochloride monohydrate
L-histidine hydrochloride monohydrate (Used to Make Carbon Dots)
Photoluminescent Nanomaterials such as Carbon Dots (C dots), quantum dots, nanoclusters, and gold nanodots have become interesting optical sensing materials for detecting various analytes.
L-histidine hydrochloride monohydrate was purchased from TCI (Tokyo, Japan)
Parameters affecting the synthesis of carbon dots for quantitation of copper ions!divAbstract
mRNA Vaccine Delivery Using Lipid Nanoparticles
L-Histidine: Quantum Dots
L-Histidine-modified biocompatible zinc oxide nanocrystals
Luciferase Transfection Method
Histidine Nanoparticles for (Luciferase) Gene Delivery
A Gemini Cationic Lipid with Histidine Residues as a Novel Lipid-Based Gene Nanocarrier: A Biophysical and Biochemical Study
A novel Luciferase Fusion Protein for highly sensitive optical imaging: from single-cell analysis to in vivo whole-body bioluminescence imaging
Design of Luciferase-displaying protein nanoparticles for use as highly sensitive immunoassay detection probes
Allt är påhittat av maktens män för att få oss rädda och lydiga och för att få mera makt!
THE MOST IMPORTANT Video on Earth Right Now:
Documentaries that Include 100’s of Health Professionals WARNING The Public About The Dangers of Vaccination….
1. Vaccination – The Silent Epidemic –
2. The Greater Good –
3. Shots In The Dark –
4. Vaccination The Hidden Truth –
5. Vaccine Nation –
6. Vaccination – The Truth About Vaccines –
7. Lethal Injection –
8. Bought –
9. Deadly Immunity –
10. Autism – Made in the USA –
11. Beyond Treason –
12. Trace Amounts –
13. Why We Don’t Vaccinate –
14. Autism Yesterday –
15. Denmark Documentary on HPV Vaccine –
16. Vaxxed –
17. Man Made Epidemic –
18. 50 Cents A Dose –
19. Direct Orders –
20. Dtap – Vaccine Roulette -
21. Truthstream News: About All Those Vaccines –
22. Hear The Silence –
23. Cervical Cancer Vaccine – Is It Safe? –
24. Vaccines Revealed –
25. The Truth About Vaccines –
26. Vaccine Syndrome –
27. Injecting Aluminum –
28. Manufactured Crisis: HPV, Hype & Horror –
29. Sacrificial Virgins –
Renowned historian: Evidence suggests COVID is ‘biological warfare’, part of communist’s ‘program’ | News | LifeSite
You can't make this stuff up. They actually expect the number of damaged people to be so high they need a special AI to handle it, (which obviously means to troll and bash victims into the ground, plus squelch public uproar). The capture is from Vaxxed 2.
Ex big pharma MERCK exec Brandy Vaughan Gives Explosive Speech On Vaccines Before the CDC (a vaccine company) Advisory Committee...Then she is found dead after numerous break-ins and death threats:
Det som gör detta möjligt är de rädda människorna som väljer att tro på korrupta informationskällor såsom i Sverige är SR, SVT, TV4, DN, Aftonbladet, Expressen, SVD…..
Läs här hur Bill Gates med sina miljarder kontrollerar media.
- Citat:
- By injecting millions of dollars into various industries, companies and organizations, Gates has risen to become one of the most influential individuals in the world, and he’s become increasingly insulated from negative reviews thanks to the fact that he also funds journalism
- Gates has given more than $250 million to media companies, including BBC, NBC, Al Jazeera, ProPublica, National Journal, The Guardian, Univision, Medium, the Financial Times, The Atlantic, the Texas Tribune, Gannett, Washington Monthly, Le Monde, PBS NewsHour and the Center for Investigative Reporting
- Journalistic organizations such as the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting, the National Press Foundation, the International Center for Journalists, the Solutions Journalism Network and The Poynter Institute have also received grants from the Gates Foundation
- The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation also has an agreement with Elsevier. Any research supported by the foundation must be published “gold open access.” This means all Gates Foundation’s sponsored research is free for anyone to read — thus maximizing the exposure of those studies
- Another recipient of grants is the Leo Burnett Company, an advertising agency owned by Publicis, the third largest ad agency in the world. Publicis also funds the self-proclaimed arbiter of truth in media, NewsGuard, and the newly launched “tool against online health care hoaxes,” HealthGuard
Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said last month via Belarusian Telegraph Agency, BelTA., that World Bank and IMF offered him a bribe of $940 million USD in the form of “Covid Relief Aid.” In exchange for $940 million USD, the World Bank and IMF demanded that the President of Belarus:
• imposed “extreme lockdown on his people”
• force them to wear face masks
• impose very strict curfews
• impose a police state
• crash the economy
Democrats Caught on Hot Mic Admitting Masks Are For Political Theatre
One of the hallmarks of totalitarianism is mass conformity to a psychotic official narrative. Not a regular official narrative, like the “Cold War” or the “War on Terror” narratives.
It's my last mask video, which will also be posted on Bitchute.
All links are below.
Should you want to donate, I would very much appreciate it. I have
a PayPal account under Thank you
Please subscribe to my back-up channel - neverlosetruth2 Kafka
And my Bitchute channel -
Face masks help sick, not healthy, docs say
A new study finds that cultivation and enrichment of microbes on the face can infiltrate the lungs through unconscious aspirations and cause inflammatory responses and advanced stage lung cancer.
Long term mask wearing also hinders the body’s natural ability to detoxify wastes, creates an acidic environment, and slowly strains the organ systems throughout the body.
Masks are priming the lungs for inflammation and lung cancer pathology
A study published in the journal Cancer Discovery finds that lung cancer progresses when the lungs are forced to regurgitate microbes.
When microbes inundate the lungs, they can active an immune response. This causes inflammatory proteins such as the cytokine IL-17 to appear.
Masks cultivate and enrich microbes that infiltrate the lungs and cause immune suppression
Dr. Fauci Predicted a Pandemic Under Trump in 2017
Fauci on Masks for Covid - Very Confusing
CDC Director Redfield - Healthy people don't need to wear masks
WHO Don't need to wear mask if no symptoms
Singapore PM
Dr Ravi Malik
Mary was a nurse for 35 years and lives out western Canada. She has been a long time researcher as are many of us. Please get this info out to the public IMMEDIATELY. Murder charges should be brought against all involved. . in the masks.
Like all hydrocarbons, ethylene is a combustible asphyxiant. ... reduces or displaces the normal oxygen concentration in breathing air, causing suffocation. Carbon dioxide levels rise causing hypercapnia, which occurs within seconds of wearing a mask. Since children require much more oxygen than adults, they will either develop bacterial pneumonia or die, long before adults will.
Ethylene oxide, used to sterilize masks is a very hazardous substance. At room temperature it is a flammable, carcinogenic, mutagenic (tampers with our DNA) irritating, and anaesthetic gas. Acute exposure can lead to respiratory irritation, shortness of breath, headaches and nausea. Long term effects include cancer, mutagenic changes and neurotoxicity.
Again, it's no surprise that children, wearing masks, are becoming sick or dying.
(You will not hear this on the 'TV news')
What's also tragic is the lie: either "Diagnosis" or "Cause of Death" will be listed as "Covid".
PS: The 1918 flu was bacterial pneumonia caused by masks. Dr. Fauci knows this.
Coronavirus: Experts warn against using face masks
WHO - masks
WHO Asymptomatic Spread rare
Masks should only be worn by the sick
Dr. Scott Jensen
Lisa Brousseau, ScD, expert on infectious diseases
As in Morgellons nano fibres, these fibres move of themselves.
Suspicions grow that nanoparticles in Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine trigger rare allergic reactions
Once were the Living (Documentary by Spacebusters):
Dr. Vernon Coleman
Dr. Sherry Tenpenny
Miami cop enforcing mask wearing
Psychology Of Conformity
Anders Tegnell med stab är ett exempel på medlöpare till makten, det är inte sanningar och verkligheten han sprider, utan den förljugna propaganda som den verkliga makten på vår Jord vill att han ska sprida!
Vi ska luras att tro att pandemin som aldrig funnits fortfarande pågår, detta för att hålla oss så rädda att vi ropar efter det vaccin som Bill Gates och andra penningsugna jobbar på att framställa. Låt dig inte luras, själv kommer jag aldrig att gå med på att ta kommande vaccin, läs, se och lyssna till alternativ media, endast där kan du få veta sanningar!
Dr. Vernon Coleman - Why I Believe Politicians and Advisors Will Go to Prison
h/t: Brian Snellgrove
Förberedelser för massvaccineringen pågår i USA.
Proof that the pandemic was planned with a purpose
Den svenska Folkhälsomyndigheten har sin motsvarighet i USA, CDC, som nu erkänner att statistiken på avlidna i USA är ett falsarium!
Endast 6% av de som klassats som avlidna av Covid-19 har verkligen haft en sjukdom som kan liknas vid en säsongsinfluensa, men sjukvården har beordrats att ange avlidna av helt andra orsaker, t ex mc-olyckor, som Covid-19 orsak!
Hur är det i Sverige? Vi vet ju att de flesta dödsfallen i förkylningssjukdomar har skett inom äldreboenden, där man gett de gamla med andnöd morfin, vilket innebär att deras andnöd bara blir värre, en form av aktiv dödshjälp!
Var det detta man ville åstadkomma för att göra den verkliga makten nöjd? När inte ett virus tog död på så många som var önskvärt så fixade man till detta i statistiken genom aktiv dödshjälp på äldreboenden? Det finns starka skäl att så misstänka!
Men om du inte tror på Sayer Yi så finns det många som beskriver detsamma, t ex Dr Mercola, Det finns ingen pandemi!:
CDC Changes Its Numbers — Only 6% of Pandemic Deaths Were COVID-19 Alone
CDC Updates COVID-19 Numbers - Only 9,210 Deaths From COVID-19 Alone in the US - Rest Had Different Other Serious Illnesses
Eller Robert F. Kennedy Jr
Länken nedan är inte bara en trailer. Detta är även en ytterst informativ artikel om hur läkemedelsindustrin är den enda bransch som har total immunitet och aldrig någonsin behöver ta ansvar för alla de livslånga skador deras produkter kan orsaka. Och orsakar.
Allt fler börjar vakna och förstå hur lurade vi blir, här den stora demonstrationen i Berlin i söndags, med bl a Kennedys tal
Allt är planerat sedan länge! Ladda ned rapporten nedan här.
2015 patenterades ett ”System and Method for Testing for COVID-19”av Richard Rothschild, med en nederländsk regeringsorganisation.
Förstod du det? År 2015 – fyra år innan sjukdomen ens existerade – utvecklades en testmetod för COVID-19. Läs här.
Aaron Russo's Talks with Nick Rockefeller About a One World Order
Det var minst 1 miljon ute i Berlin och demonstrerade (det finns de som påstår att det var närmare tre miljoner) och de höll på till långt inpå natten.
I STASI-SVT Rapport 19.30 sa man att det var ca 20 000 som demonstrerade men att polisen satte stopp för detta i tidigt stadium på grund av risker med Covid-19, samtidigt som vi såg i datorn att detta inte var sant!
Både Berlin och London kokade + rebellerade mot Corona-konspirationen 29.8.20
Berlin förbjuder anti-Corona demonstration 29 augusti, men domstol tillåter den, updateras löpande
I Berlin talade Robert F. Kennedy jr och i London David Icke. Där fanns ett plakat med budskapet:
Media is the Virus!
Över 20 000 britter samlades under lördagen vid Trafalgar Square för att protestera mot repressionen och restriktionerna som regeringen infört under coronapandemin och för att visa sin avsky mot de makthavare som man menar gör allt för att manipulera och kontrollera befolkningen.
COVID-19 – Evidence of Fraud, Medical Malpractice, Acts of Domestic Terrorism and Breaches of Human Rights
President Of World Academy Of Bio Med Sciences: ‘COVID-19 Is Bioweapon’
Sanningen om ”pandemin” är att den är en ”infodemi…
Läs denna bok skriven av läkare. Boken presenteras så här:
For readers of Plague of Corruption, Thomas S. Cowan, MD, and Sally Fallon Morell ask the question: are there really such things as "viruses"? Or are electro smog, toxic living conditions, and 5G actually to blame for COVID-19?
The official explanation for today’s COVID-19 pandemic is a “dangerous, infectious virus.” This is the rationale for isolating a large portion of the world’s population in their homes so as to curb its spread. From face masks to social distancing, from antivirals to vaccines, these measures are predicated on the assumption that tiny viruses can cause serious illness and that such illness is transmissible person-to-person.
It was Louis Pasteur who convinced a skeptical medical community that contagious germs cause disease; his “germ theory” now serves as the official explanation for most illness. However, in his private diaries he states unequivocally that in his entire career he was not once able to transfer disease with a pure culture of bacteria (he obviously wasn’t able to purify viruses at that time). He admitted that the whole effort to prove contagion was a failure, leading to his famous death bed confession that “the germ is nothing, the terrain is everything.”
While the incidence and death statistics for COVID-19 may not be reliable, there is no question that many people have taken sick with a strange new disease—with odd symptoms like gasping for air and “fizzing” feelings—and hundreds of thousands have died. Many suspect that the cause is not viral but a kind of pollution unique to the modern age—electromagnetic pollution. Today we are surrounded by a jangle of overlapping and jarring frequencies—from power lines to the fridge to the cell phone. It started with the telegraph and progressed to worldwide electricity, then radar, then satellites that disrupt the ionosphere, then ubiquitous Wi-Fi. The most recent addition to this disturbing racket is fifth generation wireless—5G. In The Contagion Myth: Why Viruses (including Coronavirus) are Not the Cause of Disease, bestselling authors Thomas S. Cowan, MD, and Sally Fallon Morell tackle the true causes of COVID-19.
On September 26, 2019, 5G wireless was turned on in Wuhan, China (and officially launched November 1) with a grid of about ten thousand antennas—more antennas than exist in the whole United States, all concentrated in one city. A spike in cases occurred on February 13, the same week that Wuhan turned on its 5G network for monitoring traffic. Illness has subsequently followed 5G installation in all the major cities in America.
Since the dawn of the human race, medicine men and physicians have wondered about the cause of disease, especially what we call “contagions,” numerous people ill with similar symptoms, all at the same time. Does humankind suffer these outbreaks at the hands of an angry god or evil spirit? A disturbance in the atmosphere, a miasma? Do we catch the illness from others or from some outside influence?
As the restriction of our freedoms continues, more and more people are wondering whether this is true. Could a packet of RNA fragments, which cannot even be defined as a living organism, cause such havoc? Perhaps something else is involved—something that has upset the balance of nature and made us more susceptible to disease? Perhaps there is no “coronavirus” at all; perhaps, as Pasteur said, “the germ is nothing, the terrain is everything.”
Läs också mitt inlägg om Plandemin från april:
This is why they installed 5G at schools and close to kindergartens so they can put the whole school in quarantine and deny parents to get their kids without taking the vaccines first.
It’s been planned for a very long time.
They could investigate the 5G radiation before locking down...
The 5G system is also installed on modern cruise ships. For example, the Diamond Princess cruise ship advertises “the best Wi-Fi at sea.”29 On
February 3, 2020, the ship was quarantined in Yokohama, Japan after many passengers complained of illness. In the end, 381 passengers and crew members became sick, and fourteen died.
A key symptom of Covid-19 is prolonged and progressive hypoxia— meaning that the body is starved for oxygen. This happens when the hemoglobin molecule releases its iron molecule. Unattached iron in the bloodstream is reactive and toxic, but normally iron is tucked away in the hemoglobin molecule—the iron is caged, so to speak, and carried around safely by hemoglobin. (Vitamin C has an important role to play in cleaning up rampaging iron ions.)
Without the iron ion, hemoglobin can no longer bind to oxygen, so cannot carry oxygen to the cells. Meanwhile, the released iron does its reactive damage everywhere in the body. Damage to the lungs shows up in CT scans. The kidneys release hormones like erythropoietin, which tell your bone marrow to ramp up production of hemoglobin.
The conventional explanation for the release of iron from hemoglobin is the action of glycoproteins in the coronavirus—but the action of 5G’s millimeter waves is an equally good explanation, especially those at 60 GHz, which disrupt oxygen molecules. An interesting observation about lung malfunction in Covid-19 patients is that it is bilateral (both lungs at the same time), whereas ordinary pneumonia typically affects only one lung.18 What kind of virus knows to attack both lungs?
Blodceller klumpar ihop sig redan efter några minuters exponering för strålning från trådlös teknik. Det visar flera av varandra oberoende analyser. Effekten, som i förlängningen kan orsaka huvudvärk, trötthet samt hjärt- och blodtrycksproblem, stämmer med teoretiska beräkningar som en professor i teoretisk fysik vid Linköpings Universitet redovisade redan år 2004.
This is a subject we are not being allowed to speak about on social media - the link between oxygen depletion in the body and 5G frequencies, particularly millimetre waves.
Continual radiation exposure from 5G is different from shorter and more intense radiation treatments for cancer, but this article illustrates the fact that radiation exposure can cause lung injury and damage similar to what we are currently seeing.
Radiation-related lung injury is common in patients receiving radiation treatments, including radiation-induced pneumonia and fibrosis (scarring). The early symptoms include dry cough, low-grade fever, and shortness of breath and usually present one to six months after exposure. (5G was initially kicked into gear in October/November 2019 and the "global lockdown" was widespread by March 2020.)
Inflammation of the lung tissue can also be experienced. These symptoms can progress to respiratory failure and death.
"Radiation treatment generates reactive oxygen and nitrogen species that produce oxidative injury to cellular structures and result in cellular death."
Exposure to electromagnetic radiation, in general, has also been linked to oxidative damage and cell death. This has been shown through the work of Dr. Martin Pall and others.
The 60 GHz frequency, in particular, is admitted (even by industry) to be absorbed by oxygen. This frequency damages oxygen molecules and disrupts their uptake by hemoglobin. 60 GHz will be used in 5G via millimetre waves.
"Fixed Wireless Communications at 60GHz Unique Oxygen Absorption Properties:"
"Due to the increased bandwidth demands and the scarcity of microwave frequency allocations, the wireless communications industry is beginning to focus on higher, previously unallocated portions of the spectrum in the millimeter wave frequencies from 40GHz to 300GHz...
At the millimeter wave frequency of 60GHz, the absorption is very high, with 98 percent of the transmitted energy absorbed by atmospheric oxygen. While oxygen absorption at 60GHz severely limits range, it also eliminates interference between same frequency terminals...
Oxygen absorption makes possible the same-frequency reuse within a very localized region of air space. Operation within the 60GHz millimeter wave spectrum enables very dense interference free deployment of same frequency radio terminals."
A 1977 declassified report from the Soviets also showed that exposure to short durations of millimetre waves caused hemoglobin damage and oxygen uptake disruption in rats.
Declassified U.S. government document from 1977 - Translations on USSR Science and Technology Biomedical Services: Effects of Non-Ionizing Electromagnetic Radiation
Of particular interest is the the section on millimeter waves (starts at page 57 of the report), which will be used in 5G technology. Findings:
damage to skin, internal organs, bone marrow, and lymphatic system
receptors in the skin are particularly affected
lowering of hemoglobin level
inhibited oxygen consumption rate of mitochondria
suppression of central nervous system
alteration of adrenal system and hormones
affects on liver, kidneys, heart, and brain
disruption of electron transport chain
changes in the protein spectrum of the blood
reduced level of protein synthesis
The rats and mice were irradiated for 15 minutes per day for 60 days at 5 - 8 mm and 1 milliwatt/cm2. The study found an "unfavourable influence of millimeter waves on the organism."
The report does not state what frequencies were being used, but if it was not the 60GHz frequency specifically, this would suggest millimetre waves will disrupt oxygen and hemoglobin in the body at other frequencies, as well.
It's also important to note that many people would be irradiated by 5G millimeter waves near-continually with no meaningful cessation, not just for 15 minutes per day like these rodents.
A doctor in New York has been vocal about how he was seeing people who had something akin to high-altitude oxygen depletion, not a standard pneumonia. He also said that ventilation was making things worse instead of better.
This would make sense if the ability to uptake oxygen in the body was being damaged, rather than it being a case of lung failure.
The connection between 5G/electromagnetic radiation/millimetre waves and oxygen depletion is a key point that is being censored heavily.
5G's 60GHz effects on oxygen molecule absorption
Take Back Your Power 2017 (Official) - smart meter documentary:
5G and the relationship to Covid 19.
Predictably the "contradiction in terms" the World Health Organisation, who very recently stated that this particular type of frequency "could" be carcinogenic to humans" when in actual reality it is definitively carcinogenic to humans.
Strange is it not that one in 2 people now have cancer.
The World Health Organisation take into account the frequency of the carrier waves, "but ignore" the signaling properties of the RFR and the biological damage that this particular type of radiation causes to all biological organisms from us, to the animals- birds -plant life and of course all ocean species.
Some viruses have RNA genomes and some, like herpesvirus, have DNA genomes. Further, some viruses (like influenza virus) have single-stranded genomes "just as coronavirus does" while others (like smallpox) have double-stranded genomes, you see there are many biological factors to take into account when it comes to a virus, a virus is inactive it is only a secretion from a living cell a toxin that has been expelled from that cell due to either an outside or inside contamination of the body, that could very well be frequency related or in other unrelated cases bacterial related.
Virus' is not something that can be identified as a biological piece of material and it's very difficult to observe under a microscope, A virus is acellular (has no cell structure) and requires a living host to survive; unlike bacteria which are single-celled, prokaryotic microorganisms that exist in abundance in both living hosts and in all areas of the planet (e.g., soil, water and on the exterior and interior of all biological species on the planet.
However pulsing polarization radio spectrum radiation from 5G could very well be the reason coronavirus is now affecting the world populations, because 5G frequency activated that particular problem deliberately....and they are now finishing off the 5G infrastructure how bloody convenient that is considering that this particular frequency lowers atmospheric pressure in the lungs and also causesvalk of the asymptomatic symptoms of COVID 19 SARS 2 itself.
Strange is it not that they also called it the coronavirus as in the Corona field which is the electrical field that surrounds technological equipment and causes radiation poisoning and again a lowering of atmospheric pressure in the upper and lower respiratory system altering the rotation of Oxygen molecules, the amount of oxygen in the blood and significantly effects the Alveoli, then for patients to be put on a respirator on the setting for acute respiratory distress syndrome instead of extra oxygen only to return their oxygen saturation levels back to normal.
If you over inflate a healthy pair of lungs with a ventilator set to acute respiratory distress syndrome, it will kill the patient….they know this and this is calculated genocide. the same as their do not resuscitate documentation even though they could be resuscitated. they will let them die, again this is premeditated calculated genocide.
Everybody is being affected by frequency radiation poisoning.
What we are actually seeing, are all of the signs of a virus; but not the virus itself because this is radiation poisoning, and radiation poisoning is not contagious have a think about that!
While you're all locked down in your compliance to the government's media indoctrinated self isolation narrative, the kill grid is being finished off.
Covid 19 does not exist, facemasks do not stop a virus, or work to your advantage in any way.
This eugenics under a media nicety.
I will celebrate on judgement day!
You can’t vote out the enemy... people need to understand that this lockdown will crash the economy in total.
Starvation will be used against the population together with civil war. Add then blackout, no electricity means no internet and no heat this winter.
Boris says that school is the best place for the children... school? Can this relate to previously information about the installations of 5G in the schools and close by?
Will they use 60 ghz in schools to make the children sick and then lockdown the schools into quarantine facilities so the only way parents will be allowed to get their children is by vaccination of both the parents and the children?
These words he use is scary shit, since IF it was a real pandemic, how come schools would be safer than home with the families?
Will they be transported through light beams to schools, NO they use normal transports meeting other people anyway so that’s why it’s not a deadly pandemic.
5G is the key, 5G is a known military weapon which they are playing around with now in order to control the volume of cases. 🔐
Som du ser av denna bild rekommenderar tidningen FORBES att poliovaccin pumpas in i miljontals människor som ett botemedel mot det påhittade Coronaviruset.
Det är exakt detta poliovaccin som innehåller ”SV40-cancerviruset” som injicerades i mänskligt DNA av mannen på bilden: Den judiske läkaren JONAS SALK.
Miljontals cancerfall kan spåras tillbaka till hans poliovacciner.
Och nu, som om det inte redan har dödat tillräckligt många människor ... Vanliga medier som FORBES marknadsför poliovacciner igen. Och ingen reagerar!
En stor SCAMDEMIC planeras där miljarder människor skall tvingas ta det nya CORONAVIRUS-vaccinet.
Men vissa av de företag som utvecklar Coronavirus-vaccinet har ett fruktansvärt förflutet - vissa läkemedelsföretag hjälpte faktiskt till att finansiera nazisterna (egentligen de sionistiska bankirerna), andra gjorde kokainliknande droger åt Hitler.
Vissa läkemedelsföretag utvecklade till och med bubonisk pest, och många av de nazistiska krigstida läkemedelsföretagen finns kvar idag - och de är involverade i att utveckla det nya obligatoriska covid-vaccinet.
CHRIS EVERARDs nya film bevisar att HUNDRATALS MILJONER människor går runt och bär på ett ”CANCERVIRUS” som är 1000% mer dödlig än ”CORONAVIRUS”
Men ingen tävlar om att hitta botemedlet...
Are vaccines safe? That's the question and one that you cannot seem to ask in society these days without abuse and censorship. In this film we hear from some of the greatest minds in the world of medicine and science who tell a very different story to the one you may hear in the mainstream media or from your doctor. Also, we speak to parents who are fully aware of the potential costs of vaccines. It's time for a sensible, open, and frank debate around this subject, no more name calling and mud-slinging, just a debate on the facts. That's all we ask, hopefully in 70mins time you'll realize there is 2 sides to this story,
Informed Consent - The Ickonic Original Film (2020):
Newly unearthed documents from Moderna Pharmaceuticals Covid patent application include a claim of concern about a "deliberate release of SARS coronavirus" 9 months before the official emergence of Covid-19. In addition, it turns out that Moderna may not have the legal right to even release its vaccine in the next few weeks because the company appears to be infringing on an exisiting patent for the core technology. Is this why Moderna's executives are selling their stock?
VACCIN. Världshälsoorganisationen (WHO) meddelar att ett polioutbrott i Sudan är kopplat till en pågående poliovaccinkampanj, skriver ABC News. Skandalen är ett faktum en vecka efter att FN förklarat att den afrikanska kontinenten är fri från polioviruset.
Every once in a while the truth about vaccines is admitted.
More proof that the Covid-19 plandemic was planned years ago. World Health Organization (WHO) was selling the test kits through their World Bank to the countries of the world. (2017). This is their website and is 100% legit.
us here
Plandemic - Covid-19 tester sålda 2017?
Fact checkers can’t touch these facts:
Conclusion: The use of N95 respirators compared with surgical masks is not associated with a lower risk of laboratory-confirmed influenza. It suggests that N95 respirators should not be recommended for general public and nonhigh-risk medical staff those are not in close contact with influenza patients or suspected patients.
WHO Executive Directors and Director General Lie To The Public
1st report: Dr. Mike Ryan, executive director of the WHO health emergencies program holds a new conference and tells the public based on scientific study "There is no specific evidence to suggest that the wearing of masks by the mass population has any potential benefit. In fact, there's some evidence to suggest the opposite in the misuse of wearing a mask properly or fitting it properly,” March 30, 2020Source:
2nd report: WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus: "I wish to be very clear that the guidance we are publishing today is an update of what we have been saying for months: that masks should only ever be used as part of a comprehensive strategy. Masks on their own will not protect you from #COVID19” June 5, 2020
Preliminary report on surgical mask induced deoxygenation during major surgery
PMID: 18500410
Objectives: This study was undertaken to evaluate whether the surgeons' oxygen saturation of hemoglobin was affected by the surgical mask or not during major operations.
Conclusions: Considering our findings, pulse rates of the surgeon's increase and SpO2 decrease after the first hour. This early change in SpO2 may be either due to the facial mask or the operational stress. Since a very small decrease in saturation at this level, reflects a large decrease in PaO2, our findings may have a clinical value for the health workers and the surgeons.
Universal Masking in Hospitals in the Covid-19 Era
PMID: 32237672
Objectives: Comparative analysis with measures implemented subjecting masked COVID-19 positive patients in close contact with COVID-19 negative subjects verses non-masked COVID-19 positive subjects in close contact with COVID-19 negative subjects.
Conclusions: We know that wearing a mask outside health care facilities offers little, if any, protection from infection. Public health authorities define a significant exposure to Covid-19 as face-to-face contact within 6 feet with a patient with symptomatic Covid-19 that is sustained for at least a few minutes (and some say more than 10 minutes or even 30 minutes). The chance of catching Covid-19 from a passing interaction in a public space is therefore minimal.
Effectiveness Of Both Surgical And Cotton Masks In Blocking SARS–CoV-2 – Analysis
Objectives: They compared disposable surgical masks (180 mm × 90 mm, 3 layers [inner surface mixed with polypropylene and polyethylene, polypropylene filter, and polypropylene outer surface], pleated, bulk packaged in cardboard; KM Dental Mask, KM Healthcare Corp) with reusable 100% cotton masks (160 mm × 135 mm, 2 layers, individually packaged in plastic;
Conclusions: After careful evaluation, the researchers concluded that “both surgical and cotton masks seem to be ineffective in preventing the dissemination of SARS–CoV-2 from the coughs of patients with COVID-19 to the environment and external mask surface”.
Carbon dioxide inhalation causes pulmonary inflammation
PMID: 19136578
Objective: The aim of this study was to assess whether one of the most common poisons of cellular respiration, i.e.
Se professor Dolores Cahill tal på Irland om att det behövs inget vaccin mot Covid-19, det finns kostnadseffektiv och säker förebyggande behandling nämligen …….
- Statistics show rates of depression, anxiety and suicide are currently at an all-time high due to COVID-19 pandemic responses
- According to poll results published in late August, 53% of American adults said their mental health “has been negatively impacted due to worry and stress over the coronavirus”
- 36% report having trouble sleeping, 32% have trouble eating, 12% report increased alcohol consumption and/or substance use and 12% report worsening of chronic health conditions due to worry and stress. Those faring the worst are people sheltering in place, 47% of whom report negative health effects, compared to 37% of those not sheltering in place
- A CDC study found 40.9% of respondents reported anxiety, depression or symptoms of trauma- and stressor-related disorder relating to the pandemic; 13.3% of American adults reported new or increased substance use as a way to manage stress, and 10.7% of adults said they’d seriously contemplated suicide in the past 30 days
- Unpaid caregivers for adults had the highest rate of suicidal ideation at 30.7%, followed by young adults, age 18 to 24 (25.5%) and essential workers (21.7%)
A must watch update on COVID death statistics, from a historical and global perspective, putting it in proper context:
This is probably one of the most important and illuminating interviews I have watched in my entire life. Warning ⚠️: this is a major, if not shocking look into what’s really going on beneath the COVID agenda:
Email till SVT Text 2020-10-09:
Nu har ni i månader rapporterat om smittade och dödsfall i Covid - utan att uppge rätt fakta.
Ofta skriver ni ex "har dött i Corona".
Men det är inte helt sant.
Idag skriver ni på förstasidan 106;
"Totalt 5 894 personer har dött efter att ha smittats av covid-19 i Sverige"
Detta är s k False news. Hur då?
Jo för den statistik ni själva hänvisar till, FHM, skriver med hänvisning till sin statistik;
"Statistiken visar antalet personer med bekräftad covid-19 som avlidit, oavsett dödsorsak."
Dessa 5894 person som ni påstår (dag efter dag påstår ni på SVT) att dessa dött av Covid 19 - när FHM hävdar att så är absolut inte fallet. Statistiken med antalet 5894 säger att så många människor har dött, samtidigt som de uppvisat symptom på Covid! Bl a genom att människor dött i hjärtattack och sedan testats för Covid. Ibland hade de testats positivt innan dödsfallet men dött av andra orsaker. Dessutom är dessa test väldig opålitliga.
Om jag vore er skulle jag göra en text tv sida permanent, som tar upp dessa fakta som jag redogör med hänvisning till FHM själva, att varje gång ni rapporterar om Covid, så hänvisa till sidan om Bakgrundsfakta (gällande statistiken).
Som det är nu skrämmer ni upp befolkningen samt vilseleder dem.
Och om jag skriver till er, då vet jag att hundratusentals fler säker tycker likadant, och att fler har skrivit till er.
Så frågan är, kommer ni att göra det som är rätt eller följa de direktiv som era överordnade har befallt er att skriva?
Vilka är då ”de överordnade”?
The ten points of the code were given in the section of the verdict entitled "Permissible Medical Experiments":[5]
200,000 Vaccinated A Day!? "ITS ALL SET UP"
Microneedle platform for biomedical applications:
Microneedle tattoo patches and use thereof. Ladda ned pdf här.