Om den internationella tribunalen Natural and Common Law Tribunal for Public Health and Justice

Uppdatering 2021-02-03
Ny intervju med Michael Zazzio hittar du här.
Uppdatering 2021-01-25

Samtal med Michael Zazzio om medicinsk tyranni i världen:


This video is very disturbing. It’s of Brandy Vaughan the Merck whistleblower who was found dead December 8th, 2020. In this video she is documenting the intimidation tactics being done to silence her.

Anti-lockdown protests in Denmark. Next up? 

Anti-lockdown protests in the Netherlands:

Interestingly this film The Killing Fields came out in 1984.

Ever since the world became aware of Covid-19 in early 2020, we have warned of the possibility that the government response, may turn out to be worse than the condition itself.Many have described this response as a form of medical tyranny, sold to us as a temporary measure for the greater good. Two weeks to flatten the curve they said.
Four months into the lockdowns, some of us half jokingly said things like, ‘I hope they lift the lockdowns before the 4th of July, so we can celebrate our freedoms.’
Now we find ourselves eight months in to a two week lockdown with no end in sight. Despite the fact that a Federal judge in Pennsylvania ruled the shut downs were unconstitutional. The Michigan Supreme Court also ruled that the Governor’s emergency orders had violated the constitution. So why hasn’t anything changed? 
In this interview Spiro’s guest Dr. Pamela Popper discusses two new lawsuits that she believes could end Covid-1984. The two lawsuits, one in Ohio and one in New Mexico, challenge the root of the problem, the emergency itself.

Dr. Simone Gold, som var arresterad för att hon berättar sanningen. Det säger allt om vad det är för nazist gäng som sitter vid makten.

In an emotional video, Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA, explains why doctors and nurses giving the covid-19 vaccine will be tried as war criminals.

Denna sjuksköterska berättar att folk dör som flugor i USA. Och det är samma vaccin i Sverige.

Sverige ligger senare med vaccineringarna så dödssiffrorna börjar nu komma i läkemedelsverkets rapporter.

Dödstalen ökar varje dag, det kommer att bli katastrof, men man kommer att skylla på ett nytt muterat virus. 

Bara på 2 dagar har dödsfallen stigit från 23 till 42 dödsfall i Sverige. Det här kommer att bli en katastrof och Lena Mengele med flera är mördare.

Antalet biverkningar som är inrapporterade är redan uppe i 1075 där 498 av dom är okända biverkningar.

Detta är inget annat än Dr. Mengeles experiment på äldre samt snart på övriga TV tittande befolkningen.

Det är ett bedrägeri i 3 delar. Regeringen ljuger och trycker på om vaccinering som inte behövs.

Myndigheter trycker på om vaccinering som inte behövs.

Mainstream media hejar på så mycket det går för att så många som möjligt ska dö och bli vaccinskadade.

Läkemedelsverket håller käften om det katastrofala resultatet.

Detta är planerat överlagt mord.

Antalet döda är då nu i Sverige enligt officiella siffror, vilka troligen är extremt underrapporterade .

Inom en månad från vaccinations början. 20201227-20211228
Pfizer, Comirnaty 42 döda. Moderna 1 död

Samt över 1000 in rapporterade biverkningar varav hälften okända sedan tidigare.

Mer än hälften av biverkningarna rapporteras som allvarliga, dvs man kan få men för livet eller dör av dessa. Grovt kan vi säga 200 allvarligt skadade varav ca. 20% döda

Eftersom det vaccineras nu i rasande fart och de flesta dödsfallen kommer efter 2-3 veckor så kan vi inte säga hur många procent som dör eller blir skadade av vaccinet. För att göra den bedömningen måste vaccinerandet pausas i minst en månad för utvärdering.

Så det är inget fake news. 

Simple. Effective. Straight to the point statistical video. This alone debunks those sheep's tunnel vision narrative:

This is the Biderman report on Communist brainwashing and reprogramming techniques used by the Chinese and North Koreans upon captured American servicemen in the 1950's

The parallels are almost identical to what's being implemented via the covid operation today.

Uppdatering 2021-01-17:
JUST RECEIVED A BIG DROP💥 Friends, here it is.  

With all references to the documents of the international tribunal.  

Read to everyone, including those for whom all this was the subject of fun and inappropriate banter.  Sniff your heads, dear ones.

Alleged charges of committing


United States Government v. Bill Gates, Melinda Gates, Anthony Fauci, Christina Grady, Tedros Adhanom, National Governors Association, CDC, WHO, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

The US government accuses these individuals and organizations of war crimes with the intention of committing mass genocide by weakening the immune system of people and subsequent vaccination.

These individuals and organizations ordered the population to stay at home, wear masks, gloves and use social distancing in order to create an environment in which people cannot produce antibodies that generate collective immunity against the virus.

The defendants' plan is to get people to get vaccinated against Covid-19, which, with a weakened immune system in people in isolation, will lead to massive deaths.

The defendants are also charged with crimes against humanity for deaths related to vaccinations and medical abuse against thousands of children around the world.

The defendants publicly announced their plans to reduce the population and massacre people, which are genocide and war crimes in complete violation of both human rights and international law.

Under international law, the use of biological weapons against both military and civilian populations is a heinous war crime.
 Documents of the Hearings at the International Tribunal in the case of the organizers of the quarantine and mass vaccination.

181 Americans Died From COVID-19 Vaccines In Just 2 Weeks, Including Unborn Baby After Mother Took Jab

HRTI-20200427-00008 v. Bill & Melinda Gates, Anthony Fauci, Christine Grady, Tedros Adhanom, Nat.  Governors' Associations, CDC, WHO, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
 A document listing the crimes of the accused.  (20200427-HRTI-CDC WHO GATES)


Video of the hearing. ...
(Zoom link. Don’t work).

 Case: HRTI-20200416-00009 against the Rothschild family.
Document indicating crimes.

All members of the Rothschild family are hereby accused of slavery in all its forms.
See the PDF file that ends with "20200413-SOS-OAR-.pdf"
Hearing Notice to Defendants.
Notice of Hearing in the Government of the United States of America Against All Members of the Rothschild Family.
Thanks to Marina Evtushenko ( for the links to the hearing documents.  Links were found by forum participants.
Samtal med Michael Zazzio om Natural And Common Law Tribunal for Public Health and Justice 2020-12-08:

UnNamed 5G Whistleblower Claims That People Are Being Infected With Coronavirus Via The Covid-19 Tests

I know there are friends in America and other countries that the doctors are speaking out and getting fired because they say they are getting paid or forced to write Covid 19 on medical certificates as well as death certificates even if the illness are not even related to Covid and then there is 5G is which Is definitely dangerous because my friend put up 4G towers in New Zealand and he said he had to wear a radiation suit and I've been battling with ringing in my ears since they installed the towers behind our backs whilst being under lockdown. 

You will find that all of these symptoms of Covid 19 are found in all of these synopses the ones in capitals similar to Covid Symptoms 



Possible symptoms include:













Hair loss


Bloody vomit and stools from internal bleeding










New documentary exploring the origin and purpose behind the covid narrative:

Asymptomatic Spread Dr Johan Denis 22-1-21:

Domen avgjordes den 30 november. Var och en av statsministrarna har tilldömts 10 års fängelse. Baserat på Romstadgan förbjöds även covid-vaccin samt införda covid-restriktioner. Alla vacciner förbjöds, all 5G samt aspartam. 

VACCIN är roten till det onda!  

Början och slutet av sjukdomar i världen, med uppgift att förstöra vårt naturliga immunförsvar. 

Addera sedan till Flour, Socker, Tillsatser, Chemtrails, rotfyllning hos tandläkaren, mediciner, Elektromagnetisk strålning så har vi sedan den ultimata lösningen för att skapa sjukdomar som genererar pengar och kontroll för Big Pharma och globalisterna.

Den lögn vi alla blivit invallade i att tro på är gigantisk, för vem kunde anat att korruptionen var så djup att de som svurit på att skydda människan och kalla sig änglar inte är annat än politiker som använder pengar för att styra de som sedan lever i samma lögn.

Det är dags att Lögnen nu avslöjas och att dessa massmördare ställs till svars och rättmätigt straff utdelas.

Tänk alla dessa ”foliehattar” och ”antivaxxare”? Var kommer egentligen dessa uttryck ifrån?

Det måste vara ifrån de mest ignoranta individer som promenerar på jordskorpan.

Det handlar inte om något annat än Pro-Life och att ifrågasätta när någon vill försöka tvinga någon att injicera ämnen som är av FARA för hälsan. Men det går inte, endast ett spår som deras egna narrativ och åsikt följer enligt agendan som är styrd av kronor och ören.

För inte så många veckor sedan när man nämnde att vaccinet kan påverka fortplantning och leda till sterilitet så använda man ”vaccinmotståndare” eller ”foliehatt” som vanligt, eller bevisa det?!

Vad är det vi ska bevisa? Bevisbördan ligger på tillverkaren men eftersom dessa bevis saknas och de uttryckligen INTE tar ansvar för ett vaccin som inte är ett vaccin utan ett profylax och som INTE är godkänt utan bara fått EMERGENCY APPROVAL så borde ALLA ifrågasätta varför och undersöka vad detta i en förlängning kan innebära?

Antivaxxare kom med något bättre innan vi böjer oss av skratt, hellre foliehatt än plommonstop!

men som sagt... det finns substans och kunskap där ute hos de inom vården som äger sitt yrke, uppdrag och kall istället för dessa giriga som endast ser till sin egna plånboks storlek på andras bekostnad.

Till slut... ja... va vad det vi sa!

Dr. Wakefield warns : ”This is not a Vax, it is irreversible genetic modification”:

Moderna admits here that what they inject now is an “operating system.”

The New mRNA COVID Vaccines Inject an Operating System into Your Body – Not a Conspiracy Theory, Moderna Admits It:

Children's Health Defence (Robert F Kennedy Jr) om effekterna av Certification of Vaccine Id (COVID)-19 vaccinet. 

En intressant statistik finns även att läsa. Det framgår att merparten var 80 år och äldre, dog antingen samma dag eller inom 5 dagar och bodde på äldreboenden.

 Brott mot mänskliga rättigheter, med Michael Zazzio:

Stefan Löfvén dömd till 30 års fängelse:

Riskerna med vaccin och vaccinationstvång

During this video, you'll learn:
- whether there's ever been compulsory vaccination in the UK
- whether the current law allows for compulsory vaccination
- whether there's truth in the rumour that the government c
- whether Parliament could pass legislation to compel vacci
nould use the Mental Health Act to section people who refuse to have the vaccine
- what's happening in the US

Peruvian court names Soros, Gates and Rockefeller “creators” of the coronavirus pandemic:

The Satanic Plandemic Tyrrany performed by Traitor politicians.

This video connects many dots. It's concise and grounded in facts. It's finally unifying people in truth. 

This is the one video they do not want people to see. Every time it is posted, no matter which social media, it's quickly taken down: 

Who would have thought nazism would show its ugly face again?

There is no evidence that lockdowns have reduced mortality from Covid-19 and research is now revealing the devastation that lockdowns are causing, particularly in the developing world. In these draconian lockdown policies, we have also seen the biggest infringement on civil liberties in democratic countries during peacetime.

PANDA believes that, at this juncture, the science is quite clear on what key policy responses should be—or should have been. The cure should not be worse than the disease. It is critically important that societies are reopened, whilst protecting those who may be vulnerable to serious illness from SARS-CoV-2. 

Human agency must be upheld, and individuals should be empowered to make their own choices.

PANDA’s Protocol for Reopening Society builds upon existing pandemic frameworks and incorporates current scientific understanding of Covid-19, to provide a road-map out of the damaging cycle of lockdowns.

A district judge in Weimar acquitted a man who was to be sentenced to a fine for violating the ban on corona contact by celebrating his birthday with at least seven other participants from a total of eight households, six guests too many after the Thuringian Corona Regulation. 

The judge's judgment is devastating : The Corona Ordinance is unconstitutional and subject to substantive objection.

For the first time, a judge dealt intensively with the medical facts, the economic consequences and the effects of the specific policy.

This is quite comprehensive and full of backed up information that can't be denied.

Some of you want to know why they’re taking down the NHS and the economy. Destroying so many lives.  Here is the explanation. 

This is a British perspective, but since all western governments are marching to the same drum, I think it applies to Europe and all of the English speaking countries, as well as some developing nations. 

This is NOT conspiracy theory. It’s geopolitics, economics and a little science. Everything is referenced in the links. 

Last year the United Nations and the World Economic Forum signed a deal to accelerate the sustainable development goals of UN Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030:

They moved astonishingly quickly to capitalise on the uncannily timed pandemic by calling for a “Great Reset”. 

The Great Reset is actually UN Agenda 21 repackaged.  Agenda 21 was also the inspiration for the contentious “Green New Deal” that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez failed to get through US Congress in 2019. 

You’ll see more about the Great Reset on the TV in the coming weeks. The UN hope to have most of the heavy lifting done by 2030, as detailed in their Agenda 2030 milestone document. 
The climate change lobby have been warning us about the need for this for years:

These are some of the scientists that inform the UN. Within 2 weeks of the last UK Extinction Rebellion protest in 2019, the UK government and the EU declared an official climate emergency. More than half of UK local authorities followed suit. At least 27 countries (or jurisdictions within countries) have signed up to this. 

The United Nations have been pushing for a One World Government ever since they were formed after WWII. 

They want open borders between Canada, the US and South America. 

The European Union was another crucial part of their plan. It was their attempt at a United States of Europe. Instead, it became an economic disaster zone. 

The EU managed to completely trash their currency in just over a decade. 

Record unemployment and record debt. Brexit was the final straw. It was clear that other countries wanted to follow Britain’s lead. Frexit, Grexit, Italexit, Gexit, etc. 

The EU was on the brink of collapse. Eighty years of painstaking manipulation towards what they call a “New World Order” was swirling down the drain. Brexit forced their hand. 

The Elite behind the UN often wield their power in the guise of philanthropy. They do it openly. 

Ten years ago, the Rockefeller Foundation produced this document exploring ways to increase their ‘philanthropic’ power over the world. To bring about a New World Order and a One World Government. Sceptics refer to it as the “Lockstep” document. 

Examine pages 1-2. And pages 18-19. Does it look familiar? We’re in Lockstep. 

There are many influential people shilling for the NWO and global governance right now, including ex PMs Gordon Brown, Tony Blair and Prince Charles. 

Bill Gates called for a One World Government in 2015 in a major German newspaper. 

Studies on Covid-19 Lethality:

A comparison between the number of coronavirus deaths predicted by the influential model of Imperial College London (no measures or moderate measures) and the actual number of deaths in Sweden indicates that the model significantly overestimated the impact of the epidemic:


Attention, now the protest of doctors and lawyers around the world is unfolding!
Perhaps there Will be an international Tribunal over the organizers of the virus and pandemic and other coronavirus quarantines. 

"A huge request to everyone who shares their opinion, share this post in their blogs or give a link to this material! = if possible, on any Internet platforms where these issues are discussed"!

All over the world, we are seeing a massive campaign of disinformation in the media.: stars: 

Despite the fact that a large number of doctors hold opposite views, unprecedented censorship does not allow them to convey their independent opinions to people.

Information from various experts and professionals can now be found almost exclusively through targeted searches on the Internet or alternative news sources, but not in the mainstream media.

1) The Netherlands.
In the Netherlands the doctors made an open letter addressed to colleagues and the government, with a request for the adoption of proportional measures. 

The letter is intended to encourage an open and Frank discussion about how to deal with the Covid-19 outbreak, and it has been signed by more than 800 doctors. a strongly worded open letter written by doctors and mental health professionals that has already been signed by more than 2,500 health professionals. 

2) The United States.
In the United States, a group of field doctors who see patients on a daily basis joined the “America's Frontline Doctors” group and held a press conference that has now been watched millions of times.

3) Spain.
Open press conference of the organization " Doctors for truth "in Madrid, which was attended by about 400 doctors and scientists, under the slogan"World dictatorship with sanitary justification".

4) Germany.
An international group of doctors has launched an extra-parliamentary investigation into "exaggerated and harsh measures »
Brandbrief Nederlandse artsen over coronamaatregelen
Home - Brandbrief Nederlandse artsen over coronamaatregelen

5) Russia.
In July 2020, the all-Russian public organization "League of patient advocates" publicly addressed questions to specialists with special knowledge in the relevant fields of science and practice to conduct an examination of decisions taken by the state authorities during the coronavirus outbreak.
25 people sent three applications to the FSB, the Prosecutor General's office, the RF IC and the General staff of the Russian defense Ministry - to restore the constitutional order and sovereignty of Russia, to restore constitutional rights and the management system, to initiate criminal proceedings against Popova A. Yu. on charges of exercising external control of Russia on behalf of private foreign funds through the who, high treason, appropriation of power up to the presidential, negligence and genocide.

Important: one of the statements was written by a current law enforcement officer.

6) An open letter from doctors and medical professionals to all Belgian authorities and all Belgian media
Italian doctors find the cure against ”Corona virus” by disobeying the WHO.

Politicians are getting furious the vaccines are sitting in the freezers! The public doesn't want the vaccine and many are refusing to take it! 

We are awakening millions of people every day on Telegram and social media. We are causing massive disruption to the system. 

The great reset is very fragile and can easily fail! Up to 50% of frontline workers in some California counties are rejecting the vaccine. 

A pharmacist deliberately destroyed 500 doses the other day and saved lives! The vaccine sterilization plot by the globalist cabal is starting to fail!

Dr. Vernon Coleman Calls for Halt to m-RNA Covid-19 Vaccine Roll-out.

With the high rate of vaccine disabilities cited in the report Dr. Vernon concludes, “If 60 million people in the UK have the vaccine we can, therefore, expect 1.67 million people to be unable to work, perform normal daily activities and to require care from a doctor or health professional.”

35 million people victims for the ongoing genocide. More Than 35 Million Shots Given: Covid-19 Vaccine Tracker
Here is a video that goes into detail about where we are now and the vaccine issues towards the end.

Still high coming off the epic historic Focus on Fauci event 🔥 We transcribed the  “apex moment” where David said “Let’s make sure we are clear… This is not a vaccine. They are using the term “vaccine” to sneak this thing under public health exemptions. 

This is not a vaccine.

This is mRNA packaged in a fat envelope that is delivered to a cell. 

It is a medical device designed to stimulate the human cell into becoming a pathogen creator. It is not a vaccine. 

Vaccines actually are a legally defined term under public health law; they are a legally defined term under CDC and FDA standards.[1]  And the vaccine specifically has to stimulate both the immunity within the person receiving it and it also has to disrupt transmission.

And that is not what this is. They (Moderna and Pfizer) have been abundantly clear in saying that the mRNA strand that is going into the cell is not to stop the transmission, it is a treatment.

But if it was discussed as a treatment, it would not get the sympathetic ear of public health authorities because then people would say, “What other treatments are there?”

The use of the term vaccine is unconscionable for both the legal definition and also it is actually the sucker punch to open and free discourse.

Moderna was started as a chemotherapy company for cancer, not a vaccine manufacturer for SARSCOV2. 

If we said we are going to give people prophylactic chemotherapy for the cancer they don’t yet have, we’d be laughed out of the room because it’s a stupid idea. 

That’s exactly what this is. This is a mechanical device in the form of a very small package of technology that is being inserted into the human system to activate the cell to become a pathogen manufacturing site.

I refuse to stipulate in any conversations that this is in fact a vaccine issue.

The only reason why the term is being used is to abuse the 1905 Jacobson case that has been misrepresented since it was written. 

And if we were honest with this, we would actually call it what it is: it is a chemical pathogen device that is actually meant to unleash a chemical pathogen production action within a cell. 

It is a medical device, not a drug because it meets the CDRH definition of a device. 

It is not a living system, it is not a biologic system, it is a physical technology - it happens to just come in the size of a molecular package.

So, we need to be really clear on making sure we don’t fall for their game. Because their game is if we talk about it as a vaccine then we are going to get into a vaccine conversation but this is not, by their own admission, a vaccine. 

As a result it must be clear to everyone listening that we will not fall for this failed definition just like we will not fall for their industrial chemical definition of health.  

Both of them are functionally flawed and are an implicit violation of the legal construct that is being exploited. I get frustrated when I hear activists and lawyers say, “we are going to fight the vaccine”.  

If you stipulate it’s a vaccine you’ve already lost the battle. It’s not a vaccine. It is made to make you sick. 

80% of the people exposed to SARSCOV2 are asymptomatic carriers. 

80% of people who get this injected into them experience a clinical adverse event. 

You are getting injected with a chemical substance to induce illness, not to induce an immuno-transmissive response. 

In other words, nothing about this is going to stop you from transmitting anything.

This is about getting you sick and having your own cells be the thing that get you sick.

When the paymaster for the distribution of information happens to be the industry that’s doing the distributing, we lose. 

Because the only narrative is the one that will be compensated by the people writing the check. 

That goes for our politicians… and our media - it has been paid for - if you follow the money you realize there is no non-conflicted voice on any network.

[1] The word “vaccine” originates from the Latin Variolae vaccinae (cowpox), which Edward Jenner demonstrated in 1798 could prevent smallpox in humans. 

Today the term ‘vaccine’ applies to all biological preparations, produced from living organisms, that enhance immunity against disease and either prevent (prophylactic vaccines) or, in some cases, treat disease (therapeutic vaccines).  

This is all by design.

Grand Jury Finds Prima Facie Evidence of Pandemic Fraud:

Dr. Simone Gold - The truth about the CV19 vaccine

The end goal is their 'final solution' vaccine, delivered via a microneedle array patch (The Mark of The Beast).

CDC Official We’ll just get rid of all the Whites:

Romstadgan för internationella brottmålsdomstolen:

NHF Sweden, Sara Boo and Michael Zazzio, have written a document that the parents can use to stop the vaccination abuse. You will find it under the video, in pdf format free to download.

The Nuremberg Code (1947)

John Smith förklarar utmärkt Common Law.  Det är alltid folket, 12 domare.  Systemet måste visa hur de äger rätt över folket för att bestrida detta.

Trump och Patrioterna kommer att ta tillbaka Law of Land. 

Det är bäst vi är beredda att göra samma sak världen över. Ta tillbaka våra rättigheter under Law of Land. Vi har bara en chans och det är nu. Lyssna mot slutet av denna video.

37 min och framåt.


 History of the Court of Ages part 1:

 History of the Court of Ages part 2:

 History of the Court of Ages part 3:

The Grand Constitutional Heist:

Trump och Patrioterna kommer troligen att utnyttja 14 amendment, insurrection act.
Gå in militärt och rensa ut Deep State militärt. Eftersom det verkar som att Högsta Domstolen också är för korrumperad för att göra det rätta.

Deep State bygger också upp för att med FN-styrkor försöka att ta bort Trump.
Så det är två sidor i detta osynliga krig som nu byggs upp.


The recent death of the Russian scientist, Alexander “Sasha” Kagansky, adds to the growing list of people engaged in coronavirus research dropping dead in mysterious circumstances:

The Perfect Invisible Crime Against Humanity

The perfect crime against humanity is happening right in your face without you knowing it. 

The well documented evidence of this video can be found at: 

As we approach the final days of 2020, Spiro is joined by author, journalist and recently retired registered nurse, James Perloff, to reflect on what is widely considered to be the wildest and worst year perhaps in our lifetimes:

Magnus Josefsson om Bedrägeriet:

1. Klicka på länken 2. Skriv i e-post(för community där vi ENDAST hjälper varandra med ansvarsnotisen) 3. Ladda ned dokumentet 4. Öppna dokumentet 5. Klicka på länken högst upp i dokumentet 6. Titta på Lösningen video 4 7. Studera ansvarsnotisen, lär dig dem 8. Skapa egna ansvarsnotiser vid behov

Know your rights:

Many more people are aware of and starting to use Common Law, the Law of the Land. We still have to operate in this world of legal fictions and the corrupt court system that is built around Maritime Law operating on the land.

In common law we are responsible for our actions.

The police are busy handing out fines with little legal basis. They are not actually fines, only courts can issue fines as far as I am aware. What you get is a Penalty Charge Notice, which is an offer of contract.

The Rona Rules are actually against the law – so they need you to give your consent for them to be applicable to you – if you do not consent you cannot be fined or imprisoned.

Greetings everyone, we have formed an Emergency Grand Jury for Natural Law from Public Health and Justice along with 32 Judges from all around the world who are experts and together we have launched a International Tribunal for Emergency Injunctions and we have served Indictments for Crimes Against Humanity To Ban.

1) Forced Vaccinations, 

2) Unlawful Lockdowns 

3) The Criminal Misuse 

4) Fraudulent Tests on Healthy People

5) The Criminal misuse of 5G Technologies. 

6) Economic Terrorism

7) Forcing people into poverty. 

Please find links of our Global Indictments here:

As many of you may already know, rogue highly corrupt usurpers who have now taken over all our public offices, departments and positions of power are misusing COVID 19 as an excuse to strip We The People of our God given inalienable Rights and Freedoms.

They are grossly abusing  the powers given to them by We The People. 

Those in positions of Government and Mainstream Media are Acting as Corrupt Corporations to facilitate their own special interests and no longer honoring the Will of We The People. 

In Law this is an ABUSE OF POWER called a Breach of ULTRA VIRES LAWS meaning 'They have gone BEYOND THE SCOPE OF POWERS' That We The People have given them. 

We have arrived at a extremely dangerous situation whereby they are now acting criminally and are planning to roll out FORCED mass vaccinations upon HEALTHY PEOPLE in the UK and worldwide which they are FULLY AWARE are likely to at worst KILL healthy people, or at best likely to PARALYSE  MILLIONS /BILLIONS entirely on the basis FALSE science and data. 

The company behind the vaccines called Pfizer were already sued by Nigeria in 2013, for harming countless Nigerian victims with their contaminated Testing Kits and now this very same company.(who should have been shut down years ago) are seeking to do the same thing again by administering unsafe deadly vaccines in the UK and all around the rest of the world. 

They MUST be immediately STOPPED! SO we need unified with MASS ACTION TO BE SUCCESSFUL. 

In addition, there is evidence that 495,000 children were paralyzed in India by Bill Gates's vaccines but again, instead of this man being arrested and stopped from causing further harm, on 10th November 2020 we are told that Boris Johnson had a meeting with Gates to roll out these same lethal, unregistered, unlicensed UNLAWFUL Deadly vaccines and force them upon the British public in the coming next 10 days.


1) REPORTING ON OUR INDICTMENT NEWS (make videos on your phones if possible)


3) Join the hashtag campaign by tweeting 









You can also visit: 

It’s so important to network such things and better still to take mass action where it’s very clear to those powers that “were” (let’s word them in the past tense to really start anchoring that reality and no longer give them any power) that their crimes against humanity will NEVER succeed!  Too many nurses, doctors, lawyers, judges, police, and we the people are awake now, but it will take mass civil disobedience for this house of cards to fully crumble.

With the rollout of the you-know-what just around the corner, we ask a worldwide panel of experts the question on everybody's minds #asktheexperts

The truth about the Nuremberg Code and the protection it provides us from accepting any forced medical procedure or therapy at all:

Doctors & Medical Experts Worldwide Warn Humanity Against Taking the COVID19 Vaccine:

A warrior calls landing page:


This is important. Under international law, it is illegal to force people to accept experimental medical procedures. New vaccines might be fantastic, but this cannot be guaranteed. If you’re not high risk from SARS-COV-2 infection, don’t accept it or be pressured. Just say no.

The Chinese biological laboratory in Wuhan is owned by Glaxo! Who, by chance, owns Pfizer! (the one who produces the vaccine!) Which, by chance, is managed by Black Rock finances.

Who, by chance, manages the finances of the Open Foundation Company (SOROS FOUNDATION)!

Which, by chance, serves the French AXA!

Coincidentally, he owns the German company Winterthur. Who, by chance, built the Chinese laboratory in Wuhan!  Accidentally bought by the German Allianz.

Which, incidentally, has Vanguard as a shareholder. Which is a shareholder of Black Rock. Which controls the central banks and manages about ONE THIRD of the global investment capital.

Which, incidentally, is a major shareholder of MICROSOFT

The property of BILL GATES, who happens to be a shareholder of PFIZER (which sells the miracle VACCINE) and is currently the first sponsor of WHO!

If it is not clear enough why a bat came in and grabbed the SNAKE and the ENTIRE PLANET became infected, I can go on!

But please DO NOT MASSIVELY DISTRIBUTE my post..... Because I'm just a "CONSPIRACY NUT JOB" spreading fake news apparently!


Satans lögnmedia!!!

CDC admits at least 96% of deaths from Covid19 were WRONG! - NewTube

The British Genocide has started - UK Gives First COVID-19 Vaccine Doses:


48. Dr. Sam Eggertsen

Hundreds more doctors testifying that vaccines aren't safe or effective, in these documentaries....

1. Vaccination - The Silent Epidemic -

2. The Greater Good -

3. Shots In The Dark -

4. Vaccination The Hidden Truth -

5. Vaccine Nation -

6. Vaccination - The Truth About Vaccines -

7. Lethal Injection -

8. Bought -

9. Deadly Immunity -

10. Autism - Made in the USA -

11. Beyond Treason -

12. Trace Amounts -

13. Why We Don't Vaccinate -

9 hour court case

Documentaries... 💉 

 1. Vaccination - The Silent Epidemic(2013)


2. The Greater Good - (2011)

3. Shots In The Dark -(2009)

4. Vaccination The Hidden Truth -(1998)

5. Vaccine Nation - (2008)

6. Vaccination - The Truth About Vaccines -

7. Lethal Injection 


8. Bought - (2015)

9. Deadly Immunity - (2005)

10. Autism - Made in the USA(2009)


11. Beyond Treason - (2005)

12. Trace Amounts - (2014)

13. Why We Don't Vaccinate - 

14. Autism Yesterday - (2010)

"The Myth of Vaccine-Induced Herd Immunity is the idea that vaccines can confer immunity to a herd of animals if enough of them in a given population are vaccinated. This myth is repeatedly used as a selling point for strict enforcement of mandatory vaccination policies and laws. However, vaccines do NOT work in the same way as natural immunity, and there is plenty of evidence that proves the theory of vaccine-induced 'herd immunity' is a myth that profits only the financial interests of large industries and the covert goals of elite globalists.
Vaccination vs. actually recovering from a naturally acquired infectious disease produces 2 qualitatively different types of immune responses. This is partly why vaccines might confer a very temporary artificial immunity (at best) that wanes and makes it very likely for vaccinated persons to become infected and transmit infections, sometimes with few or no noticeable symptoms. This is like having a fire in your home but not being able to see, smell, or feel the smoke, flames, and heat even as the fire threatens to destroy your home and other homes nearby.
In his book, “Vaccines, Autoimmunity, and the Changing Nature of Childhood Illness,” Dr. Thomas Cowan, MD explains how vaccines distort the 2 branches of immune response: cell-mediated immunity (innate) and humoral immunity (adaptive). This, in turn, radically increases the risk of permanent immune dysfunction, including development of autoimmune disease and even cancer.
When a pathogenic childhood disease occurs naturally, the pathogen enters the body through a myriad of layers before it can infect individual cells. The disease process which follows involves a cell-mediated immune response, which activates white blood cells and chemicals that attract them to the sites of infection where the white blood cells basically chew up and spit out the infected cells. The function of this process is to clear the pathogen and rejuvenate the gel-like water inside the cells.
During recovery, the humoral immune system kicks in and starts generating antibodies against the pathogen to help prevent the same kind of infectious process and symptoms from occurring again, should there be another exposure to the same pathogen later on. As long as the cell-mediated immune system is activated first, and the humoral immune system is activated second, the body will have a longer-lasting, qualitatively superior immunity against that pathogenic infection.
Naturally acquired ‘herd immunity’ in a population occurs when a high percentage of individuals have gone through this NATURAL sequence of cell-mediated and humoral immune response. Pathogenic vaccines, however, circumvent the possibility of creating robust herd immunity in a population, as they often avoid a cell-mediated immune response. Instead, vaccines provoke a humoral response WHILE compromising the vaccinated person's immune system. In other words, vaccination might trigger the creation of vaccine-strain antibodies, but since vaccination skips (by-passes) the cell-mediated response, it only confers what has been perceived as a very artificial and extremely temporary immunity, if at all. 
This is also why most vaccines, especially inactivated ones, are said to require booster shots in hope of extending any perceived artificial immunity. Live attenuated pathogenic vaccines are thought to more closely mimic the natural disease process, but even live pathogenic vaccines are said to confer only a very artificial immunity not identical at all to natural immunity. 
If vaccinated individuals can act as asymptomatic carriers of the disease, then the idea of achieving vaccine-acquired "herd immunity" in any population is a total illusion. Vaccine-induced epidemics should be a much greater focus of concern and can be completely avoided by halting vaccine production immediately and outlawing the fraud that has so successfully fueled the vaccine frenzy thus far."

So, really are we really in a pandemic 😂 Don’t think so...

Pfizer is refusing to give Lebanon the license to obtain & distribute its COVID vaccine unless the parliament passes an emergency law that protects Pfizer from any legal liability in case of side effects (which are severe, as we have seen in US & UK).

We hope that the Health Minister - who is currently hospitalized after contracting coronavirus (may Allah grant him a speedy recovery) - takes the same bold stance as Imam Khamenei and look to Iran and other friendly nations for the vaccine that they seek. 

Imam Khamenei banned vaccines produced from American & British companies due to national security reasons - other countries should follow suit if they care about their people.

According to the last paragraph of this report, the World Bank will give a loan to Lebanon if they distribute this vaccine. Is the World Bank essentially strongarming nations with promises of loans in order to push this dangerous Pfizer vaccine onto the world?

The covid vaccine is the Abomination of Desolation.

Health fund official: Mass vaccination to begin by Christmas.

Vaccines are genocide

How the Vaccine industry cover their tracks

Vaccines can make you skin peel off and make you blind

Emergency COVID-19 Vaccines May Cause Massive Side Effects:

Coronahysterin 6.6 - med ruggigt innehåll:

Corona, False Alarm?: Runaway International Bestseller!:

Är det så att Trump är en lysande taktiker som bara spelar ett spel med vaccinet?

Trump loves challenges

Dr. Francis Boyle joins The Alex Jones Show to expose how forcing the untested lethal mRNA vaccine on the public violates the Nuremburg Trials ruling against Nazi medical experimentation cruelty.


Thousands of experts are putting their careers, incomes, reputations and their very lives at risk to speak out against the COVID / Corona Hoax - especially against the experimental vaccine technology which is being rolled out worldwide. 

In this video I feature many of them (but by far not all) and I give my commentary as the video goes along.

I hope this will help people wake up before it is too late. 

To support my work, please visit my web site here: . Thank you to everyone who has sent letters, gifts, information, prayers, cards & financial contributions. I love & cherish ever single one of you!! Thank you for being part of the revolution back to common sense & humanity.


Drosten Review:

Great Barrington Declaration:

Michael Levitt:

500 German Doctors for Truth re COVID:

Primary Doctors Medical Journal:

Drosten PCR challenge:

Wodarg / Yeadon call for halt to vaccine / petition:

VIDEO: Dr. James Lyons-Weiler re COVID fallacies & vaccine dangers:

ASK THE EXPERTS / The Question on Everyone’s Mind: re vaccines & fake-pandemic:

Corona Committee Evidence: Reiner Fuelmich on phone with Dr. Hockertz:

Mix-n-Match Vax UK:

Fertility warnings not printed on leaflet for recipients:

Beate Bahner:

German Lawyers Initiate Class Action Lawsuit VIDEO Fuellmich:


Richie Allen Show:

The coronavirus vaccine is a global depopulation bioweapon. People injected with covid-19 vaccines are suddenly testing positive for HIV.

One of the best sources of info on the true agendas behind COVID-19 Hoax

A Warrior Calls  Explosive Interview Hidden Until Now Dr Judy Mikovits Truth Saves Our World MIRROR

On July 29th 2020 an incredible interview was done with Judy Mikovits… it was so powerful it was kept back until the right moment:

‘The Great Reset’ är globalisternas plan för att införa ett världsherravälde baserat på Agenda 2030 och hållbar utveckling. Man utnyttjar den så kallade Coronapandemin för att införa sin agenda.  James Delingpole Intervjuar Patrick Wood från Technocrazy News som har följt globalisternas planer sedan 70-talet. 

Det är dags att skriva om historieböckerna när friheten gryr över människosläktet: 

Ultraglobalisternas nya projekt: “Global cyberpandemi” ska lösas med “digitalt vaccin”

China, 5G, And The Wuhan Coronavirus: The Emperor’s New Virus

Vårdanställda som vägrar vaccination – Vad säger lagar och konventioner?

Apply logic, and the lies become clear:

So sad that through all of this we have only learned that most the folks on this planet not only deserve to be slaves, if given the opportunity they would put their own slave shackles on themselves as long as they are convinced slave shackles will keep them safe. Pathetic.

En verkligt effektiv totalitär stat skulle vara en stat där den allsmäktiga chefen för politiska chefer (Antikrist) och deras armé av chefer kontrollerar en befolkning av slavar som inte behöver tvingas, för att de älskar sitt tjänarskap.

Social manipulation går över i högväxel, med en mängd prediktiva programmeringsfilmer/NETFLIX-serier, med specifika handlingar/narrativ som är vetenskapligt utformade av elitens köpta forskare för att väcka medfödda rädslor och psykologiskt förbereda befolkningen för det som kommer.

Den galna visionen för den Luciferianska globala eliten; sammanslagning av människor med maskiner med hjälp av Artificiell intelligens, rasygien för massorna och obligatorisk vaccination (inkl. märkning/chippning) under den globala teknokratin och den nya medicinska diktaturen.  

Inget av detta kan ha hända utan Coronaagendan och FN Agenda 2030.



NEW - WHO has changed their guidance on the use of PCR tests on the day of Biden's Inauguration.

They now state a positive result is not in itself an indication of infection with #COVID19 and that a 2nd test along with a clinical diagnosis is required.

The new guidance on "Nucleic acid testing (NAT) technologies that use polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for detection of SARS-CoV-2" dated January 13th was updated/published on January 20th.

Documents released on the same day Trump leaves office and Biden agrees to start paying the WHO again.

For months, many scientists have criticized and warned that PCR testing practices are flawed and lead to an inflated case count for #COVID19.

Cases and COVID-19 related deaths will magically go down dramatically now.

Joe Biden’s FBI has arrested Dr. Simone Gold, one of the most outspoken doctors who voiced her opposition against the CDC and the COVID vaccine. 

Day 1 of his admin.

All political dissidents are getting rounded up by Biden’s admin.

Dr Judy Mikovits said that this coronavirus vaccine could kill 50 million Americans over the next 40 years. The versions being released by Pfizer and Moderna require storage at minus 70 degrees Celsius (minus 94 F) and might be far more deadly than even she originally estimated.

Who control the WHO?
