Germ theory vs terrain theory - So important to understand

Louis Pasteur vs. Antoine Bechamp 

Allopathic vs. Naturopathic 

Kill the bad vs. Strengthen the good 

Antibiotic vs. Probiotic (Both of these have their place) 

Expensive big business vs. inexpensive 

The 'germ theory' vs. 'terrain theory' is basically the argument that germs are what we need to worry about and we need to keep finding ways to kill them off. 

Terrain theory argues that if the body is well and balanced then germs that are a natural part of life and the environment will be dealt with by the body without causing sickness. 

"Germs seek their natural habitat - diseased tissue - rather than being the cause of diseased tissue." - Antoine Bechamp 

"It is more important to know what sort of person has a disease than to know what sort of disease a person has." - Hippocrates Western Medicine, insofar as it relates to infection, is based primarily on Louis Pasteur's work on pasteurization. 

His theory suggests that in order to be truly well, we need to kill all the bugs and do whatever we can to avoid contact with said bugs in the first place. 

Looking into Antoine Bechamp's work (a contemporary of Louis Pasteur) you will find he was widely regarded as a quack, 

[Basically because Pasteur's theory leads to big money selling expensive drugs and surgeries, and Bechamps theory leads to "making Sauerkraut and kombucha ~^ " and doing other simple inexpensive natural things to strengthen the immune system]. 

Bechamp's thinking is basically that the severity of the infection will correlate with the patient's health status. In other words, the unhealthier the lifestyle, the more out of balance a body is, the more susceptible they will be to disease. 

Further, the disease will be much more severe in that person compared to a body that is physiologically stable and healthy.

The whole germ theory is bullshit:

The germtheory is called theory because after 150 years there is still no proof for it. It is a fantasy that makes billions for Big Farma. 

Antoine Bechamp was right with the terrain theory, Louis Pasteur was a fraud, he kept a diary where he recorded his fraud. 

His grandson published it in a book. "The private science of Louis Pasteur. 

Viruses are not the cause of illness, they are the garbage collectors that your body uses to clean poisoned cells. 

AFTER you got sick of food with chemicals (E numbers) in it. Air pollution, skin contact with chemicals etc.

Everywhere where there is a fire you see firemen. So now you conclude that firemen cause fire? 

That's insane, but that is what Rockefeller science did. And got filthy rich of it! And gaining political power behind the curtains.

Selling vaccines which contain heavy metals and poison in small doses. 

They guaranty you become customer or die and help solving the "overpopulation" problem the elite fear so much. While having plenty of children themselves..đŸ€”

Rockefeller medicine got worldmonopoly on medical practice through the flexner report which he payed for. 

All natural cures are mocked and outlawed. 

While pushing oil based chemicals that never cure but only suppress symptoms. 

So you'll become customer for life (but it won’t be so long of course)

Dr Lorraine Day - Virus & Germ Theory Is Just That:


In 1994 a doctor transfers HIV from patient to himself to prove germ theory (contagious viruses) is a hoax.

This doctor was taken out by Fauci and cabal for proving viruses arent real. This year we all figured out that terrain theory is real and germ theory is at hoax. 

Ask any doctor what year germ theory was proven with the electron microscope and you're sure to watch them be honest or get extremely angry for being complicit in the "healthcare" racket.

Viruses are not the cause of disease and they are not being spread person to person. Someone infected with covid-19 sneezing directly IN your mouth is not going to cause you to get the virus. It is just not how human biology works.