Legalman, November 9, 2015.
Legalman, November 9, 2015.
There is no justice in the “just-a-system”. And there never will be.
Today I am going to show you in a very simple way, how the DESIGN of the “justice” system assures that you will never get justice. You have been told that the system in this country is “brilliant” and full of checks and balances and the greatest freedom machine ever invented and yada yada yada. That is all a fairy tale.
Let’s start with a “law”. Most of the “laws” on the books are devoid of any actual constitutional support. They are just a naked power grab. Nothing more.
Once you have a “law”, then it gets “interpreted” by an agency. Interpreted means the agency passes regulations and “enforces” the law. A regulation has the same basic practical effect as a law.
The entire “agency system itself” is laughably unconstitutional. Nothing in the Constitution gives Congress the power to transfer its law making authority to un-elected bureaucrats in some made up “agency”. Here is what the Constitution says about legislative powers:
All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.
Nothing in that grant of powers allows for this absurd “agency construct” where the EXECUTIVE BRANCH appoints people to then make what become in effect “laws”. But nonetheless, that is where virtually all of the “heavy lifting” of “law enforcement” is done by the feds. How? Because the S.Ct., has conspired with its buddies in the other departments to invent it out of nothing.
Agencies are nothing but elaborate control systems BEYOND THE REACH OF THE PEOPLE AND THE STATES. They are an arm of the executive branch.
The President appoints the people who run the agencies, they aren’t elected. And remember, you have no constitutional right to even vote for the president! So this person you have no constitutional right to vote for then picks another person who you can’t vote for, to run an agency, to hire employees you’ve never heard of, who then make “laws” you’ve never agreed to, which the government then claims you “must” obey. How are you liking your freedom so far?
What are these agencies? Simple, think IRS, SEC, EPA, FCC, DEA, FDA, FHA, FEC, and on and on. They crank out thousands of new rules each year. This constant accumulation of “regs” is stacked on top of things like Obamacare, which is already thousands of pages long. Or things like the Trans Pacific Trade agreement, which was drafted in secret. It came in at over 5000 pages.
Obviously it is impossible to know what rules even exist under such a system. But that is no defense according to your master. They insist they can enforce whatever rules they invent however they care to invent them. And who is the sole arbiter of what rules can be enforced and what is a proper way to create them? You guessed it, the same government who made the rules.
Once a rule is in place, the DOJ acts as the lawyer for the government. The DOJ is just another agency run by yet another unelected person, the Attorney General. The entire concept of a huge professional cadre of lawyers (the DOJ) running around being paid by the people to sue the people civilly and criminally with thousands upon thousands of “law violations” has no basis at all in the constitution. If you think it does, then simply show me where that power is in the constitution.
Why would the people have ever given so much power to a bunch of unelected “officials” with a basically limitless check book to harass them? They wouldn’t. They didn’t.
Ask yourself, how can anyone defend themselves against such a system? they can’t….. Get it? Now you are starting to see what the real system is.
So the DOJ, the government, is in charge of prosecuting you, the citizen, to enforce a rule that a government agency, like say the EPA, created. This situation creates an ABSURD conflict of interest in the realm of prosecutorial discretion.
“Prosecutorial discretion” is a HUGE DEAL. HUGE. Think about the power to only enforce the laws against certain people. Remember how the DOJ “decided” that Lois Lerner’s actions while running the IRS didn’t warrant any criminal charges? Do you think you would get such a break? THAT is the power of prosecutorial discretion my friend. It is a HIDDEN POWER. IF the gov’t decides to come after you, you’ve already lost! If they choose “not to” because you’re a favored party, then you win and nobody ever KNOWS.
Now think about the power a private individual has who KNOWS the gov’t won’t come after him for violations? What kind of a chance do you have against a person like that? NONE. That is what the system is actually about. Giving people with access and privilege the power to ignore the law while the government crushes their competition. Got it?
You can’t have the same party, the government, in charge of deciding who to prosecute under its own laws! Prosecutorial discretion needs to be exercised by a separate and independent body that does not have a dog in the potential fight. A party that does NOT ANSWER to the feds in ANY WAY. That is what a real check and balance would look like. But lets continue with the freedom.
The person running the EPA has immunity. The person running the DOJ has immunity. The lawyer working the case for the DOJ has immunity. How are these unelected “officials” in any way accountable? They aren’t. The only people who can investigate them are more members of the SAME GOVERNMENT. Many times the same agency they work for, or the DOJ. Who watches these people? More of the SAME government. Do you see the reality yet?
If the government decides to go after you, then you will be investigated by the FBI. Where is there any constitutional authority for the feds to have some giant police force constantly investigating the citizens in secret and keeping records on everyone and running around pointing guns at the citizens? Surely a power that broad and dangerous is clearly spelled out in the constitution. HA.
The fact is, that the very idea of a “Police force” and therefore an FBI, didn’t even EXIST when the constitution was “ratified”. So it is absurd for the Feds to claim that they were given this power. They weren’t. It isn’t in there.
The FBI is just another unconstitutional governmental agency with an unelected person running it with unelected employees who all have immunity FROM YOU when they screw up or go after you. The only difference? They carry guns and will shoot you with immunity as WELL. lol
Then you get hauled before an unelected judge who sits for life and has full immunity for whatever he says or writes about you publicly in his “court” regardless of what a pack of lies it is. Don’t think that happens? My friend I have personal experience. It happens all the time. And where did the courts get this immunity? Surely THAT’S in the constitution? No. The courts gave it to THEMSELVES.
So the government makes a rule, then the government decides whether to prosecute you, then that same government “investigates you” and then brings you in front of yet the same government’s judge/employee for a trial?? This is the brilliant freedom machine you imagine exists? Where is the check and balance?
This unelected judge then controls who gets to testify, what the witnesses can testify to, what evidence comes in to trial, how long you get to put on your defense, what you have to “turn over” to the same government, what that government has to turn over to YOU and on and on. Does that sound fair to you?
The judge then decides who can sit on the jury, what the jury hears and sees as evidence, then what questions the jury will answer, and what interpretation of “the law” the jury “must use” when deliberating.
The government then uses its own witnesses from the FBI or the EPA and its own “findings” from its own “labs” and its own “studies” as the evidence presented by the government lawyer in front of the government judge to try you.
Then even after all of that, if the judge doesn’t like what the jury finds, he can grant his employer a new trial to take another shot at you, or he can reduce your award, or add to the award in favor of his employer. And if you don’t like the outcome from this government lackey, then you have to appeal to yet another group of employees of the same government you just lost to.
All of this is while you have to pay for all of the peoples’ salaries who are involved in prosecuting you. Oh, and you have to pay for your own lawyer regardless whether you win or lose.
Who can even afford to hire a lawyer to fight a “50 count” federal indictment? That will cost millions! Relax, the same government will now pay for you to have “a lawyer”. LOL so your lawyer is now being paid by the same government who is prosecuting you and paying the judge and the witnesses against you?? You can’t make this stuff up.
And guess what happens to you on the civil side when the gov’t swoops in with a 180 page federal complaint alleging 40 different “violations”. Well, congratulations, you are now officially bankrupt. lol
And remember, the lawyers, judges, and witnesses involved in prosecuting you risk NOTHING. No money, hell, you’re paying them. And if there is any allegation of wrongdoing against them who investigates it? Right, the SAME GOVERNMENT who has employed them to screw you.
Conflict of interest is a very serious issue in the law. If you are a fiduciary and you engage in a conflict of interest you will get POUNDED by the other side. Think PUNITITIVE DAMAGES my friend.
Certainly any entity which claims to represent you, i.e. your government, owes YOU a fiduciary obligation. But look at the conflict of interest. BOTH THE JUDGE AND THE OTHER LAWYER AND THE WITNESSES IN THE CASE ALL WORK FOR THE SAME EMPLOYER. The same party trying to convict YOU. The same party that made the rule it claims you violated. The same party that decides on the “legitimacy” of the very rule it invented and is using!! Lol This is the very definition of a fatal conflict of interest at every level.
Look at what I have just shown you. All of the people involved are unelected. All have immunity. All have conflicts of interest. If just one party in the justice system had just one of those problems it would be cause to question the legitimacy of the system. But in your freedom machine every single person has ALL OF THEM! The system is nothing but a Stalin Show trial!
Yet still the people will run off to foreign lands to kill people with the idea that they are going to spread this freedom.
My brainwashed friend the justice system is a fraud. Top to bottom, front to back, side to side. It isn’t a matter of whether we have Stone Cold Steve Austin “Trump” or the Undertaker “Clinton” as our “president”. There will never be any “justice” under a system like this.
The only reason people don’t see the reality is that they are under a massive delusion created by, you guessed it, the same government. It brainwashes the people with its curriculum in its mandatory schools from grade school through graduate school. The people are taught lies at every level. They are told what to think.
I have showed you the reality. There is no arguing with it, because it is all just FACT.
The heart of the great con is that the people have been made to believe that the feds are in charge of telling the people what the feds powers are. Instead of the other way around!!
As a practical matter the feds accomplish this sleight of hand by convincing the people that the S.Ct. tells the people what the extent of its own powers are and what the extent of its own employer’s powers are. Think how absurd that idea is. They tell us what we agreed to let them do??? That makes NO sense. It turns the whole thing on its head!! Yet when you boil all the bulls**t down, that is what they have convinced people is “the law”. And to top it off, they have convinced the people that it is that upside down nonsense that makes our system so “brilliant”. lol
Do you see the scam yet? The idea of a “check and balance” doesn’t work when the same party is doing its own checking and balancing!!
The justice system will never produce justice for the people because it is not designed to do that. YOU are the intended VICTIM of the justice system. The system will never be reformed from within the system itself because that would mean those with the power would have to voluntarily give up their power. That never happens.
Power is taken. It is not relinquished voluntarily. That is why the system is not redeemable. Any and all talk about elections and amendments and other silliness is just that. Silliness. A huge time sink. A con. A distraction. Promulgated by dupes and knaves to keep the people busy imagining that they are “doing something”.
I could go on and on pointing out contradictions and absurdities within the “freedom machine” that we are told our government is, but, the article is already long and, as Al Pacino said in Scent of a Woman, “I’m too old, I’m too tired, and I’m too f’ing blind. If I was half the man I was 5 years ago I would take a FLAME THROWER TO THIS PLACE!” lol.
So that’s it for today. Honestly when I look at how absurd and obvious it is I just feel sad that people are this lost. The people insist on clinging to their illusions. Open your eyes my friend. Look at what is right in front of you.
Take care my brainwashed Brethren and probably soon to be fellow inmates lol. Move towards the light, and if you have the energy, go tell someone the truth about the law.
Legalman, November 9, 2015.